Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by Jewlye, January 23, 2008, 10:42:19 AM

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I'm new, of course.  :)

I'm fairly new to all of this- picked up a 23 gal tank last winter sometime, and picked up some guppies...from Wal-mart  :-[

Needless to say, sick fish, my ignorance and a cycling tank didn't turn out well. I ended up picking a 10-gal to learn on a couple weeks later, and have kept most of my fish since then. I'm ready to start up the 23-gal soon now, too. :-)

5-gal bowl:
-crowntail betta

-2 juvenile angels- silver and lace
-4 platies- mickey mouse pair, blue, wagtail
-2 ADF- I think a male a female. They're very entertaining and friendly. Will come to the     side of tank whenever I get close watching them. Begging for food, of course. Has anyone tried to train a frog with success?
-mystery snail
-Some live plants

The angels seem fine there for now, but will probably get switched to the larger tank when it's set up.


Hello, Im Nathan (latios). Nice to meet you.


Come to our monthly meeting and get to meet us face to face. We have a mini auction at the end of the meeting where plants/fish/equipment can be had for excellent prices. Do a bit of research so you know what you can put in your tank and how much you might pay for it, then come check out our deals or search our classified ads.
As always there is coffee and cookies and a fine bunch of fish enthusiasts.


Welcome!  I see you're already starting to get a good case of MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome)! :)

Are you from the Ottawa area?  If so, Brine is right and you should come to one of the meetings!  Careful though, I ended up coming home with more than I could carry last time! ;)


Nice to meet you... beware the bunch around here are abit fishy... LOL OVAS is a great community... March 2nd (I think) is the yearly Gaint Auction tons of stuff for awesome prices... come on down! You'll have that tank filled in record time.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Nice to get a warm welcome from you guys. :-)
Yes, I'm in Ottawa. Whether I come or not depends on where the meeting is held though (I'll assume I can find that info on the site).


The meetings are just off of Elgin St. on Jack Parcel Lane @ Jack Parcel Community Centre. It is the last monday of the month except for July, Aug, or Dec. This Feb. there is no mini auction because there is the Giant Auction Mar. 2nd. The meetings are from 7pm-9pm next one Jan. 28th. I am not sure of the hours or location for the Giant Auction?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: Brine on January 23, 2008, 06:36:46 PM
Come to our monthly meeting... As always there is coffee and cookies

My ears just perked.... :D


Did someone say coffee?
Oh, hi Jewlye... welcome to OVAS.
Okay, now about that coffee?
What? ???
Okay, okay...
It's good to meet you Jewlye, I hope you can make it out to the meetings and meet the crew. They are a great bunch and very helpful. But watch out for that NetCop and KatarinaH, I hear they're a little quirky! :D