Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by Jameskie, January 26, 2008, 06:07:39 PM

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Hi, my name is James, and I am so happy to find this local board. What an excellent resource!

I'm a newbie to fresh water fish-keeping, so I am eager to learn. I started successfully with a standard planted 10g tank a little over a year ago. Right now, I am cycling a new tank, a tall 25g eclipse (a boxing day present to myself from Al's). Luckily I had a head start with some gravel and rock formations from the 10g.

I am not sure what I will end up keeping in my 25g tank. For now, it has 3 giant danios from my old 10g + 2 new ones. All very healthy. The older three (which I have kept for about 14 months) range from 2.5 to 3.5" and the two newer are about 1.5". As the cycling is going very well, this weekend I added 3 small Julia corys to patrol the bottom . All seem very happy. As much as I really like the Danios and think they have great character, I will likely move them out, as they are much to fast and a little nippy for a community tank this size. I haven't yet settled on what I might replace them with - I would like some colour in a shoaling mid tank swimmer.  Suggestions?

I am still keeping the small tank as well, as it has been very healthy for the duration. Presently, it holds a small kuhli loach, 3 each of pretty and red-eye tetras that schoal together, and a pair of Schwarzi Corys for the bottom. I have no plans to change this tank (unless I get another, larger tank....hehehe.)

I'm looking forward to participating in the group.




Maybe some angels in that tall tank? I love watching mine. :-)


I have kept many different schooling fish. I suggest you look at the different kinds of Rasborae. Like the Harlequin or the Scissor Tailed they seem to school better than Tetras. IMO.
some Barbs are also good at schooling but a bit more aggressive which you may not want. Tiger Barbs good, Cherry Barbs not good at schooling. There are a lot of things that school well. I think I saw glass cats at Big Al's that were schooling tightly. You could go to your LFS and just look closely at the behaviour in different tanks. Also if you have a school of fish in a tank with something more aggressive the school gets tighter.   
Good luck.
Come to our meeting on Monday and get to meet us.


Welcome to OVAS.
I agree 100% with Brine when he mentions the Harlequin Rasboras.
I have about a dozen of these and thats all they do is school together.
I started off with 2 of them when I was experimenting with different species and then bout the others at a later date and they all get along 'swimmingly'
In fact, the 2 original ones which are bigger look like parents taking thier kids for a stroll.
No regrets with these guys!