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Started by char0434, March 08, 2008, 04:13:13 PM

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OH Damn is that aptasia!? I was moving my rocks around just to see if i like the setup better and i found this guy...

If not what is it, and what should i do, how do i kill if i need 2?


P.s. What you think of my setup,  any ideas for me, im thinking i need a bit more rock... its a 55 gal.

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Joe's juice

Or Kalkwasser Paste !!

1 tea spoon of kalk and 1/2 ounce of aquarium water and shoot it with a Needle


or vinegar if you don't have any of that stuff :)


so i just spray some vinegar on it and it will die??


No, you have to put the vinegar in a syringe and ram it down the things thraot and pump it full. It may take a few tries as you will have to get used to how quick it retracts into the rock. If you see it swell up when you pump the vinegar into it, then it will die for sure. If it goes too far into the rock though, you wont see this, but it could still die.


can i try and grab it with tweezers and pull it out??? lol


haha if only it were that easy. I would be plucking them out all the time! .. they are too slimy to get a hold of, and you dont want to do anything that would make them multiply.


Will it kill my fish ?? its not near any corals so there fine.


I had one eat a guppie once, so they are capable, but it should not harm your fish. Its a good idea to get it out though to help prevent them from spreading.


In case you need some motivation to kill it now, check out the aiptasia infested tank in this thread at Reef Central.


Thanks for all your help everyone.
I think i found a few real small ones 2... should i try and kill them or just leave them.... cuz at this point in not sure if there the same thing yet. I also got the guy yesterday and i havent seem him again yet so im thinking i got him good.


get some nice peppermint shrimp. If you don't feed the tank for a couple of days, they will eat it. Well, they should if they are hungry. As a bonus, they will kill the next one and the one after that.


Dont forget .. .

I think none said that ..or miss it ..

  any Additive you gonna use , Vinegar and kalkwasser Etc...

  Will raise or lower you Water parameter ... so use it effectively or you will have other issue !!

  KILL IT ... Otherwise it will spread ... and these little beast ( Aiptasia ) Spread fast ...

  P.s : Never try to take it appart with your hand , tweezer or anything else ... Otherwise everything left or broken pieces will release spores and seed the tank ...

Hope this help


It would be best to remove the infested rock, then treat it in a seperate container.


ok well... im pretty sure i killed the big one but i have spotted sever small small ones. im thinking about getting a few peppermint shrimp, i have green algea in my tank so not feeding for a bit may help..mybe a bit og lights out.


OMG. what a disgusting-looking creature.. eguuch..


lol yeah there not very pretty