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My Blue Lobster!!

Started by Pisidan, February 07, 2004, 10:07:57 AM

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Man My Blue lobster (crayfish) finally came out of his hole and I got some pictures of him and I thought I would share them..when I got him and last time I saw him come out of his hole he was about an inch now he is 6 inches I didnt even think they could grow that big LOL but thought I would share these pics with all of ya cause I thought it was neat...For some reason though he never really turned blue huh!!


Thats neat- I didnt know people kept lobsters as pets!  :D


Very nice pics.  Do you have him in with you're Africans?  :cry:


Actually in fact he is a crayfish for some reason they call them blue lobsters dont know why (shrug) and he is kept with my Port Cichlids and convicts..when he was a bit smaller they used to try and pick at him but he stood his ground and took a few nips at them until they learned to leave him he is as big as my cichlids in the tank and no one goes near him they all learned and fast LOL!!



He looks edible to me LOL!


yeah we have a bunch of blue lobsters (crayfish) at our store right now.   They are fairly easy to breed and they make ALOT of babies.  we had about 200+ in the stores tank.


Nice looking crustacean!!!  I love crayfish, lobsters, etc.  It is funny the names that we give them to help in the consumerism side of things.  Blue Rock Lobster, or Electric-Blue Rock Lobster.   My personal favourite is the distichodus sexfasciatus(i just bought four).  They decided that the latin name would be the best for sales, as it has the word SEX in it, and we all know that sex sells, hehe :lol: !!!

I didn't mean to steer away from Crustaceans and all of their majesty, but I had to, subject matter decided it...




I dont even know if it is male or female...LOL...I just think he/she is cool!!


There's a way to tell, something about how something on it slopes, I can't recall, but I do know that the female holds the babies in her tail and there's ALOT of them.


I have seen pictures of them holding babies but never seen it in person looks really cool but if I bred them I would have to get rid of them and my fish might become a snack for them all LOL


Pisidan : What do you feed your Blue lobster (crayfish)?
Cheers..... Troy.  :)


I feed him Wardley Algae discs he loves them goes GAGA as soon As I drop one into the tank but I have to direct it cause my cichlids try to get it too but as soon as it hits near his cave they take off and let him have it.He also eats some my darn Java fern i saw today LOL....but he also eats cichlids sticks or pelletthat fall down in the tank...basically like a bottom feeder eating what ever his claws can grab and break up to go into his mouth lol


I keep my lobster in my Mbuna tank.  The cichlids know to keep their distance although they sometimes tempt fate when I drop some food in their for him.  I feed him shrimp pellets, algae wafers, bottom feeder tablets, and live fish.  He also gets some of the flakes and pellets and other cichlid foods of course.  
 He will eat your fish if he ever gets a hold of them.  In particular if I have a week fish which is sick or recently beat up by the other boys in the tank the lobster just goes after it.  

I also kept a crayfish that I caught in Algonquin park.  He was in my Endler tank for a long time.  Kept the fish population down pretty low all the time.  I got sick of him eating my best males though so I moved him to a 10g with some shrimps and fish of his own to eat.  He was fine there but he recently jumped out ot the tank.  Poor little guy crawled all the way across the living room, down the hall, and down the stairs where he finally died near the bottom.  I really miss that little guy.  So beware that these guys can swim pretty fast and can lauch themselves out of the aquarium even though the lid was closed.


Eric 8)


I have been feeding the ones at my store blood worms, they go nuts when I drop it in..the funny thing is we dropped probly 100 baby crayfish in the 108 planted tank at the store and never saw them again, today I saw 2 huge crayfish in that tank, and being that they only gave birth less then 2 months ago I don't see how those 2 big ones could possibly be the babies we put in!!!..but..I see no other explanation right now!


yeah mine has grown so huge in the last 3 months when i got him he was an inch max now he is easily 6 inches...and thinks he is king of the bottom of the tank LOL


what i wonder, if it gets too big, if it's best with garlic butter or thermador.


LOL Maybe make a good gumbo....LOL..I have heard people having them grow as large as 16 inches OUCH  if he gets that big maybe it will be time to eat him LOL