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stocking a 110 gal

Started by jenn_zep, March 17, 2009, 02:54:19 PM

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i need some ideas for my 110. i want to keep it a community tank but i really enjoy variety. i like wierd fish aswell. here is what i have in it right now:

3 congo tetras
5 serpae tetras
5 black neo tetras
2 gold rams
1 zebra sucker
1 polypterus sensgal
1 red neon goby
8 zebra snails
1 clown pleco

any ideas???




No idea about these fish if compatable or not but I saw some really nice black ghost knife fish. I think if your fish are not to small they would be allright, no guarantee on the snails tho :)
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


I'ld probably add a couple of loaches in there, maybe a kulhi loach or zebra loach since they don't grow too big.  You would probably also enjoy a BN Pleco,  they stay relativly small (about 5 inches for a mature male) and the males are quite something to look at!  Just my 2 cents!


I think your challenge will be to find tankmates that aren't dinner for your birchir.  From this pic they can eat pretty good sized fish

My concern is that your existing little fish will become dinner - you may want to think about what you want to keep in the tank and cater the tankmates to them - I suspect the small community fish and the birchir will end up being mutually exclusive.

For now, assuming that the birchir isn't big enough to be a threat to your little guys, I would go for something large, but with a small mouth - gouramis, very large barbs, things like that.  I really like my denison barbs, and there's a number of other big ones that are very beautiful.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


i don't mind selling off the smaller fish. my bichnir is well fed and has't shown any aggression towards any of my fish yet. he's about 5.5 inches now. i know he will get bigger. 

just trying to get ideas about a nicely mixed tank!

thanks for all the suggestions so far!!!! keep em comming!



If you want to keep your smaller tetras, you will have to get rid of your polypterus soon. Otherwise, your tetras will start disappearing one by one . They hunt at night and sleeping tetras make an easy meal. As far as aggression, polypterus are not aggressive, that's why you have not seen any aggression. What they are is opportunistic. If it can swallow it whole, it WILL. Larger tetras like congos are safe though. I suggest you try to recreate an "african "biotope. You don't HAVE to get fish all from the same body of water though. Get some more senegal polypterus(or other small species of polyprerus like p. delhizi) and increase your number of congo tetras to 12 or more. If you have a lid over your tank, you could also add some african butterfly fish. Now, that would be an interesting and beautiful display. You'd get the beauty and colour from the tetras, and the "cool" factor from the polypterus and butterflies.


oooo i like your idea steve_2!! i have always wanted an african butterfly fish but didn't have a good tank for them! ok well now i know a good direction to go in!

thanks again!


Glad you like the idea. Good luck!

PS: I just returned 2 nice senegals at Big Al's(east) yesterday. They are selling them $15 each and these ones are already 6-8" long and in good health. They also have some realllly nice large congos for sale at the moment but they are not cheap($12-13/each if I remember correctly)



awesome! thanks for the heads up!!

Dwarf Puffers

You could also try some african brown knives if you don't go overboard on bichirs.