Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Hello from Bells Corners

Started by Marinus, September 28, 2008, 04:40:27 PM

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Hello OVAS,

Just joined the community a few days ago. I've started a 65G reef project and after 9 months, I was getting scared how much money it was costing me to get to where I wanted and keep it going. So when there was a cyano outbreak, I saw another $200+ dollars going into the tank just to address it and still not getting ahead. So I thought it would be safer to sell it now before I get even deeper into this expensive hobby. So I signed up to post the setup in the classifieds. However, my wife and kids didn't want me to sell the tank, so I went out and bought two Koralias 3s to ad more flow, a 4 stage RO unit, and that's all it took, now I've got the bug again and can't stop spending money on the tank. Now I'm looking to get a good lighting solution for corals, and maybe an anemone for my two falsies. Now you know why I thought I would be safer selling the tank. Haha, but at least now I can defend spending all this money by; "But you were the one that didn't want me to sell the tank".

So there you have, it, I've been given the green light to get my reef going and I can now blame all my irresponsible expenses on my wife! :D

I'm really looking forward to making some new friends here. Those who know what it costs think I'm crazy to spend this kind of money on a fish tank (that's why I never tell them). They have no concept of what a reef is, and have no appreciation for everything that goes into keeping one. They don't care about the little creatures and a fish is "just" a fish to them. It sure would be Would be nice to hangout with some people who understand, for a change!  8)




Hey Serge
Welcome to Ovas!  I'm a freshwater fish keeper but yes this hobby costs money. That's how the aquarium stores stay in business. 

On the brighter side, I think  you could compare it to having a purebred dog.  $800+ to buy one, pay to spay or neuter it+ puppy shots, then $90 vet visits yearly, dogfood, treats, toys, grooming ect.  Heaven forbid if your dog gets sick or need surgery, 2 nights at the vet might be $1000.  Yet no seems to think someone is strange to get a dog lol.  People think i'm strange when I tell them I have 9 running fish tanks, I guess I spend as much as having two dogs  ;D
I'm so far resisting the strong urge to try salt water.  Good luck with your tanks and get out to a meeting and meet the crew.  I'm jealous I can't ever go I live in Deep River.


Ps Apologies to any vets and dog lovers( I'm one but I don't have one) I just pulled some random numbers out of the air :-[


Welcome Serge!  I don't have a saltwater tank yet either, but maybe in the future.  Yes, it's the cost that is daunting me. ;)

I'm sure you'll find tons of people to talk with here, both in the SW and the FW forums.


Nice to hear Serge that you decided to say with it!

Yes the aquarium bug is a bad one. I am not into SW (yet) but have a couple FW set-ups...  ;) I am sure you can lots of advice around here there are some very experienced reefers. I know Redbelly sure knows his stuff... opps I guess I blew the whistle on him... he is also in the biz.

There are not a lot of SW items at the meetings for sale but they are very entertaining. Besides you get to meet a lot of fishy folk, eat cookies, and drink bad coffee... Hope to see out.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


And welcome from Bells Corners.   :)

My tanks are freshwater, but I'm glad to see the west end strengthen its fishy outposts.
250G (Pond) - Comets, Rosy Reds; 20G Retirement - Congo Tetras, BN, Banjo Cats, Pristellas, Buenos Aires Tetras, Zebra Danios; 25G Pygmy Corys, BN, Green Neons, Assassin Snails, 15G Blue Daisy Ricefish, BN, Betta; 6.6G (Edge) - Diamond Head Tetras, 3G Bloody Mary shrimp, 2G Caridina Cantonensis (tangerine tiger)


Hi Serge, welcome to OVAS. You've most likely made the right decision by keeping the system. You're done with the most expensive part, setting up.

Money is not always the solution to problems, if you're not sure, ask questions in the Saltwater section before spending your cash.



Thank you all for the warm welcome! It's nice to be here!

I would love to get a FW tank as well. Even though financially I should NOT do it, my oldest son (5) has been bugging me for "his OWN" tank for the past two weeks now, and he usually finds a way to get what he wants. So I foresee a small FW project coming in the near future. :D




There are lots of great deals in the classifieds. Sometimes at the meetings there are also small aquariums in the mini auction. Well in case it was not clear at our monthly meetings the 2nd 1/2 is mini auction members buy and sell all sorts of aquarium items. Kis are welcome but the younger ones do get bored fast. My son is 10 and he has been a member since he was 8. Oh by the way he too seems to getr what he wants... don't they all?  ::)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Thanks Dan, thank you for the PM as well. I probably won't make it to the meeting this time but am interested in making new friends with common interests, so far that reason alone might very well get a membership to attend some of these meetings in the future.

The classifieds here are fantastic! I'll for sure be spending a lot of time there looking for odds and ends, and I've seen some great small setups as well that would be perfect to get my son started.

It's great to be here! I'm off to ask some questions in the FW forum. See you around. :)


Hey Marinus word of warning becareful in that classifieds section... LOL If you need any help with a set-up for your son let me know... my son runs a 20g in his room and also raises cherry shrimp he sells some at the auction... he's a little business man at 10.  ::)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."