Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Whoda thunk!!

Started by gonzobluefuzz, October 21, 2008, 11:13:57 AM

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Had a bit of an "oopsee" recently,and cracked a 15g tank( I use the term cracked in the thing was a spider web but still upright) . Grabbed all the linen I could find tossed 'em in the general vicinity. Ran for a bucket and siphon and got the leak under control (peeps downstairs or the landlord havn't said boo yet....hope that's a good sign   ::)). Grabbed the empty 5g quarantine, filled it with rescued tank water. Transferred my 2 remaining Kribs and a few Pygmy Cories  along with all the plants and structure that I could realistically get in there.  got a filter set up and declared it "OK for a few days".
Schedule this last bit has been insane... couldn't make it out to BA east or west to pick up a replacement tank and won't be able to until Thurs .
But thats just the back story:

Get home yesterday to see the cories all bunched up in a corner....."Odd" said I..."they were playing so nice together"...  "I must Investigate!"

I have a peek around the "tank"  :-[)....."what's she doing under there"

looks like female Krib spawned.  Turns out her chosen "Cave" is near the front glass so I grabbed the camera ...And shot off a few frames

The Cave eggs in the back

"Mom" Tending the future brood Fanning(sp?) sideways I assume/hope

Eggs suspended from the roof of the "Cave"

"What do you want!!!" "I'm busy" I think she's miffed @ me

Spawning 3 days after an upset .....who'da thunk  :D??

My Main concern rite now is that, the Kribs will get even more aggressive in this little space as time and biology go on. I'm placing small slate tepees around the area to give the cories  "bombshelters" if needed.

Sorry bout the blurry, water stained, out of focus pics.

I she doesn't eat them again this could be fun :)



I have seen large water changes induce spawning in fish a few times. It is definately a trigger for making my Bumble Bee Gobies spawn.

Nice pics  :)


Pretty cool, indeed they can get darn aggressive so I would worry a little about the cory's even if they do have good "armor".  If you can find them another home for now it would be a good idea.