Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Education/Community Outreach/School Program

Started by Mettle, November 07, 2008, 12:03:12 AM

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So recently I was fortunate enough to acquire two 10 gallon tanks from a member here on OVAS for free. My thoughts immediately were to go through my bin of aquarium supplies and start looking for things to put together functioning tanks. My goal here is to assemble fully functional tanks for donating to schools in the Ottawa area.

I was thinking this might be an interesting or neat project for OVAS as a group to undertake. Or, if the club as a whole has no interest, I wouldn't mind organizing some stuff on the side.

What I'm hoping to accomplish here is maybe to get people to donate small things they no longer need (substrate, decorations, small filters, lighting, small tanks, etc) for this cause. And then get someone - myself or someone else - to help whichever classroom it is set up the tank and maybe even go in and have a chat with the kids if the teacher invites us to do so... AND. Of course, finding a classroom that would like/benefit from a tank is also a must.

I wanted to get on this last weekend but I've been busy and quite ill so the combo has made for this getting put off for a week or so. But right now I guess I'm just gauging interest.

Thanks!  :)


If you need live stock I can donate a few pairs of live bearers.


Remember there is Christmas, March, and Summer holidays... Noble ideal but how do you take care of them like water changes.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


That's where a dedicated teacher needs to be found, Dan. As well as continuin contact with some members of OVAS. Because if it's a long period - like say, summer - then the fish that are in the tank can simply be given back to someone. Or someone in the class, if they've convinced their parents to get a tank of their own, could inherit the fish.

Xmas Holidays and March Break are a bit more of a concern... but again, see above.

We're not talking about setting up HUGE tanks here. So the livestock of a 10 gallon tank can easily be transported around and re-established in a different tank. Plus it might give some chance for variety.