Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Lawn grubs & earth worms as fish food

Started by saltydog, May 08, 2003, 08:02:18 AM

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Lawn grubs are  destroying the lawns in several areas in Ottawa-Gatineau. I live in Vanier & my lawn is so bad that I have decided to remove it & plant a perennial garden instead. The task of removing the grass & the grubs has been made less arduous by virtue of the fact that I also view it as a means of collecting food for my fish.  I store the grubs in the frig & am able to feed a couple of hundred a day. So far, Oscars, Jack Dempsys, Tin-foil barbs, severums & leporinus are all relishing a lot of extra protein.  While I am at it I am collecting earthworms which I am storing in a pail of compost in the basement for use when the supply of grubs is depleted.  :D
-thankful for a tankfull-


Fortunately my lawn has not fallen to the grubs, so i am not sure what size they are. 1 inch?


Yes, the largest ones are about an inch long. They are mostly white & so are easy to spot when you are shaking the soil from the grass root clumps (assuming one's grass has any roots left, the little buggers!). The thicker your lawn  the less chance of an infestation as the large beetle which is the adult has to be able to dig into the ground to lay her eggs.
-thankful for a tankfull-