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Contemplating Leaving The Hobby.....

Started by Tyler.L, December 12, 2008, 06:32:29 PM

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well guys today was the worst possible %&$#ing thing that has happened to me ever!

i went to aqua valley to see az....lotsa yasha hase i decided i gotta have another one as the last one i had jumped....took the nice 45 minutes drive home after work in this wonderful traffic we're having. floating the bag for about half hour blah blah blah whole routine. take the yasha out and release him into the tank for what to female clarkii swims up grabs it and takes it right into the rbta. watching this i was ready to smash the tank into a 1000 peices....yasha swims out jaw wide open from the sting from bta and being mauled by my clarkii. so the yasha was all messed up swimming around all funky....what do you think happens...she grabs him again takes him towards the bta and both her and the male were picking on him. he had then latched on to his own tail. then i tried to put him in a corner in the sandbed to be shielded away from the clowns when he sinks his teeth into my favia. now i have no idea where he is, alive, dead, in the bta or what. I'm super close to saying someone come get everything right now if i dont find the yasha. I'm ready to pull the female clarkii and whip it against a wall i am so wild. So either look for stuff in the classifieds or you will hear me say hey im ok im gonna keep everything.

Im setting up a 65 so the money if i sold all of this off towards would go well....ahhh what to do someone shoulda taken those clowns i blame you all! lol i hate my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But if you didn't have the Tank you wouldn't have much ocean dreams to think of in the winter. It's only PAPER lost :)


well i tore the tank apart and its in shambles.....

but i found it and hes still alive.....but for how long who knows....all his fins are frayed and his head is in a crevice in a rock i will try getting him out later and put him in my ac 110 fuge and cover it so he cant get out and hopefully he'll come through but still contemplating leaving yes its just money but it was ridiculous that, that had happened...anybody wanna go fishing for some clarkiis with big barbed hooks?


That sucks Tyler :(  I would have been shocked and livid also.  I hate seeing a fish hurt.

I used a breeder net to nurse a sick clown back - it had a built in air stone and only cost like 6$.  It had slots in the side and bottom to let water through.

The clown was only doing what it knows to do so I hope you find them new homes and keep your tank up.


well the yasha is no longer i just put it into the bta stop its suffering. Its stomach was all pushed in from everything, being bitten, bta stings etc. im pretty sure the tank will be coming down this weekend

will put all the money and time towards building the 65 down the i will make up a list in a little bit well probably sunday and prices as im not going to put it up as a whole cause it wont yeah i will put a list up this weekend


Total bummer dude.  Sorry to hear.  I think the best thing is to sleep on it and see how you feel in the AM.  For myself, a sleep can do wonders.


Sorry to hear about this  :o, but...

My carpet anemone ate puffer, lion fish and you are talking about tiny goby :) And it does not have any clowns in it, acting on its own  >:(.

Nevertheless - love my anemones and if they ate some fish - bad luck (for fish and me)


Crappy deal man.  Sorry to hear about yer frustrations... and understandable reaction...  :(