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My 220g reef bild/experiment!!! ;)

Started by fishdaddy, January 04, 2009, 11:20:29 PM

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OK so as some of you know i am a little well i dont know crazzy,gungho,all balls out and i like to see what things can do.I am starting a 220g reef build!I will be up dating as i am i started with a trade with Dave (audioslave_36) for his 220g tank (thank you!),i am now building a stand form 2" tube steel and then will get it line-x coated to seal it,If i can't destroy it in my truck it should hold in a salt water application.the stand will be wrapped in a cabinet as this is done i will post picks and let you know who did it once i ask them if it is OK. I have a few friends that are going to be big help in this build.

This build is going to consist of:

220g tank,25g extra long macro tank,hopefully a 8'long gorgonian tank and a 150g sump

well this is what i have planed so far things might change on the way as we all know they keep this tank up to date (ie..controllers,food,lights,pumps)  as i can i am going to use my GHL controller that i bought just before x-mass.

This is some of the things that i am going to use on the tank:
duel octopus skimmers i want a clean tank!
auto top off
auto water change
ultra lith i want my colors to POP
wave maker, a vortec mp40w
automated dosing pump (GHL balling system)
dimable lights mh and atinics (i want to have storms,rainy days,cloudy days as well as sunny ::)  ;D ??? )   
moon settings, since i added this on my 120g tank things have started to spawn in my tank.

I will be doing research as i have been doing for the last year. I'm going trying different things,food, additives,pumps that are suited for my needs.I have borrowed a camera from a friend so i can add pics and keep you informed of how thing are going. so for this is the stand i am going to use once it is finished remember it is going to be 2" tube steel with 2 to 3 thousand pounds on it with a wave maker

thanks for looking

p.s any input is welcome


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Well Good luck, and no problem I was glad to make the deal with you as well. Looking forward to this thread, Can't wait to be a part of this build  ;)  I also hope to learn lots from this !


How do you find working in sketchup?  I just dnloaded it and am going thru the vids.  Seems very nice, but the learning curve is steep, not having any drafting background.


working with sketchup was frustrating at first,after playing around for 3 hours it got easier as the day went on you can also lookfor stuff that people have uploaded to make things easier for you.


gonna be a nice build, lookin farword to seein it as it grows
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Very nice job on the blue print for the stand there!