Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by 10gnano, June 14, 2009, 09:40:37 PM

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hey guys and gals

I was wondering if a Frogspawn will go into shock for days on end if something happens to it? I recently had my light fall into my tank and since this my frogspawn has been prettywell closed up. It has been about 4 days. Any thoughts/tips on this. thanks guys


I guess if it was really traumatized it could. Mine when I first got it though actually opened up within hours of putting it in the tank. I wouldn't declare it dead my any means though, give it some more time.


Do not sweat it...  I beat mine up with a water-change once... it stayed all closed up for quite a while, a week maybe?  It comes back...


its slowly coming back i think, i threw up last night, was kinds weird, brown stringy stuff coming out of it


the sign of brown slim is no good , put it in a med to med low flow so u can get rid of the brown slim or take it out and do it in a seperate bucket. The brown slime can spread and kill the rest of the heads. And it can also kill anyother torches..


Is the brown slime infection of some kind? I thought it was just the coral expelling waste products. I have a frogspawn and a torch, and I've seen both dishcharge some stringy slime before. This was while they were both fully opened and healthy.

I hope yours gets better '10gnano'


my other frogspawn did the same thing last night so I sucked it up with my baster and got it our of my tank. Is this just the frogspawn expelling its digested food?



my pistol shrimp ate mine :(   Good luck with it though!


your pistol ate the frogspawn? or its puke?? My frogspawn seems to be puking alot lately but it is getting healthier and healthier every day.


lol it ate the actual coral nit the puke...good luck hope yours comes back!