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Transporting Fish

Started by Elariel, January 24, 2009, 12:36:37 PM

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I live in Sudbury and the selection of tropical fish here is...well lack luster to be kind. My parents still live near Ottawa and I go to visit them a number of times each year. Its about a six hour drive from Ottawa to Sudbury and I was wondering if it is possible to purchase fish in Ottawa and transport them back to Sudbury.

My main concern right now is finding a pleco big enough that it would not become lunch meat for my African cichlids. Only one place carries them up here and i wouldn't touch their stock with a ten foot pole.

So would it be possible to buy a pleco in Ottawa and bring it back to Sudbury without causing the fish undue harm?



I have travelled with fish from Toronto and back many times. Your biggest thing is to find something solid to transport them in - the bags are okay but can possibly pop, then you are stuck.  I usually keep a bucket or rubbermaid (used for my fish stuff) in the trunk when I travel - just in case I see something.  You can also purchase battery operated air pumps (which are good to have in the house anyways should the power go out!!!).  These aren't manditory but it helps to put a little circulation in the water.  Juts mention to the store you are buying from that you are travelling with them and you have your own container and have them partially fill it up for you!!!  Keep in mind if not overfilling it tho (from oersonal experience and a wet car seat!!!).  Just enough that the fish has room to move about and enough water to keep him happy and not too little that it becomes stale from him sitting in it (hence where the air pumps are handy). If you are travelling when it's cold out...keep the car runing if you stop if you can. Don't want the water to get too cold or freeze.

Have fun...

120 gal - Salt water Fish Only
25 gal - Salt Water Reef
Rotti named Nimh
Cat named Yoda
Numerous Bearded Dragons
Numerous BP's and other snakes
Numerous other geckos and lizards


Hi, plecos are strong fish, they can most likely be fine (at any size) in a cichlid tank, and i would not recommend using a bag, they rip easily and plecos are sharp! Ideally use a cooler, or a container with air in it. I would say air is more important than water, but Plecos can live up to 20 minutes without water. Hope that helps.


Thanks so much....I have just the container!


What size pleco are you thinking exactly? I have some breather bags I think they are 8.5" x 11" close to that anyways. They let out CO2 and let in O2 through the bag. For heavier fish folks often use newspaper in the bags. You can't double bag they will suffocate because you leave no air at all in the bag. They handle motion 10 times better too. I also have bag buddies which sedate the fish slightly, increases O2, and treats the water for NH3/NO2.

Consider coming to the Giant Auction Mar. 1 it is a Sun. You can also do the LFS. Post here looking for fish in advance. I would gladly give you a few bags & bag buddies for the trip. I use a Colemen cooler with a towel on the bottom lay the bags on it throw over them a little. It keeps them warm.

If you've never used breather bags they are awesome. You use hardly any water and they can stay in the bags as long as they are warm enough for days. Goggle them they are worth reading about.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Thanks for the suggestions Dan unfortunately I can't get to Sudbury that weekend. I have to be in Toronto for a conference.

I'll look into those bags though.


Lol...I'm totally familiar with how dismal the fish stock is in Sudbury.  I used to live there. 

I worked at The Ark for a few months and they laid me off.  That place was dirty!!  >:( Then I went to Pet Paradise, but moved away.  I was told it closed and then The Ark took over that space and made a complete mess of it.  Are they still in business?


No the Ark closed about a year ago...the only place I willget fish is Petsmart...there is also Tropics North but I don't trust their stock or their advise. I heard the guy there tell a girl one day that the ID sharks she was interested in would be fine in a 20gal tank...enough to tell me that they were more interested in selling fish then in giving good advice and help others in the hobby.

In my experience with ID sharks I sincerely believe that they should not be sold in the aquarium trade at all.


I use a pail from Home Depot, fill it 1/3 the way, place it in the front passenger seat on the floor and put the heat on feet setting. Keeps them warm, and they have more than enough air for just 6 hours.

Done it 3 times successfully. 100% survival rate.


While only 2hrs or so, I often bring things back and forth to Montreal without a problem.  I make sure they use big bags and they fill them with 02 for me.

crazy 4 fish

I do the opposite of Beowulf, transport from Ottawa to Montreal. I usually go shopping for the fish with my friend and then back to her place, pack the car and leave. I also make a quick lunch or supper break along the way so by the time I get home and am actually putting the fish in the tank at least 3 ½ - 4 hours has past. I have done this 3 times and 100% survival. I either kept the fish in the bags they came in or last time I had one in a bucket with some plants. Everyone has a blanket wrapped around them and is belted in sercurely. They are covered if too sunny outside (summer). I put the floor heat on in the winter. I think if you are careful that most fish are hardier than we realize. Good luck :) Cheryl


You'll be glad to hear that Derek Forsyth is opening a retail location soon in Sudbury. His current website
is a mailorder, but he has decided to go ahead and open a retail location. He currently carries mostly Malawi cichlids, but I would imagine he will expand that when he opens depending on demand.
Back to you topic though. Transporting fish is really very easy. They will tolerate alot. I ship all over North America, and often very delicate species(ie cyps, nigrippinis etc.) If you provide enough O2, heat and stability they usually do fine. Breathable bags, Bag buddies, heat packs , styrofoam boxes and a little packing care usually do the trick.
Good Luck


Is an 8" pleco big enough for you?
After all, Oscar (My Oscar) hasn't eaten them.


An update to this topic, Fins, a new fish store in Sudbury just opened. I'm in love with the place. The guy who owns it has tanks of wild caught rift lake cichlids and I could spend all day in there watching them.

I was able to get a lovely 4 inch bristlenose albino pleco born and bred right here in little old Sudbury!