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best SW lighting?

Started by salvini55, March 10, 2009, 03:25:30 AM

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what do you think is the best 48 inch MH and T5 combo for under $700?


a diy one. I have 4x48inch hydroponic t5 with two reflectors. i run 2x10 000 2x actinics. I'm also in the process of mounting 2x metal halide in the middle. all for well under $700


If your tank is less than 24" deep (or 24"deep) then an all T5 system is the best, in my opinion... as for the "best combo" which is your actual question.. srry.. no idea.. I did a DIY


Not saying this is the "best SW light", and I'm pretty new to SW... so take this as you see the info....

After seeing how efficient the Lumen Bright Mini Reflector are on the 36" 50 gallon sw setup I am doing for my son, I would use 2 (250's) or 3 (175's) on a 48" tank with either 175 or 250 watt MH and then supplement with some t5ho actinic's front and back of the tank.. If you went 3, it would give great results, but be a tight fit. With 3 175's use the suggestions from the article below for height above the water (the nice thing about these lights) and not worry so much about heat compared to other MH Setups due to the higher mounting height.

One thing to be aware of is you mount the lumen bright reflectors pretty high off the water so you would need a tall canopy above the tank. I built my sons canopy 24" tall.

Lumen Bright Article



+1 lumenbright  - I use one, again 24" tall canopy, (bulb is at 17" above the water surface), and they are amazingly bright... and for bulbs, the 14k pheonix bulbs are all the rage....


Great so DIY lighting it is. Which ballast would you recommend for the phoenix 14k 250 watts x 2?

anybody wanna share there DIY setups with me... teach me the secrets lol!


1 more thing I forgot to add, ensure you MH ballasts are good electronic units, they use less power, you bulbs will last better, and you don't get the humm/buzzzz.

With pfo going down I would avoid them etc not sure who has a good quality reasonably priced ballasts. I was looking at IceCap ballasts till I picked up my used humming unit.... now I'm kicking myself. But add everything up and I think you will find it won't be cheap unless you pickup some stuff on sale. Also take into account the Canada to US exchange.



I went from 175 watt dual and a 6 foot VHO actinic to complete t5 (10 36" bulbs) for just over $200. I am also saving in hydro BIG.

there must be more than 350 watts used to pawer the MH as the hydro cost difference is significant.

I also like the colour you get and you can mix and match the colour of the bulbs.

you don't get the shimmer (the only down side) and I am growing sps, lps and softies in various poarts of the tank - they are all thriving not just surviving. I used to be anti t5 and all over the MH. I decided to try it out for myself and was stunned. the corals are really starting to colour up great.

I have been assimilated by the T5 aliens! ::)


Yes, i agree. I decided last night that i will run a T5 set up. I am however a big fan of the shimmering effect, but that is something i am willing to sacrafice.
Quote from: target on March 11, 2009, 07:44:54 PM
I went from 175 watt dual and a 6 foot VHO actinic to complete t5 (10 36" bulbs) for just over $200. I am also saving in hydro BIG.
what set up are you running? Im trying to compare the 48 inch Nove extreme pro 6x56 with a simmilar Tek light T5. anybody have any comments on the two?

I plan on keeping soft corals and a clam to start. perhaps later ill look into some lps if i havent already stocked incompatible species.

My tank is 75 gal. and its 20 inches deep so i believe T5 will be fine.


I am running a DIY 6x54W T5HO setup with icecap and tek reflectors.  I can't help but bleach a lot of the corals I put in the aquarium, but that trend is slowly reversing as the tank is maturing.  I'd say it's enough light.
150 Gallon Mbuna: 2 M. baliodigma, 5 Ps. sp. "Deep Magunga", 3 L. caeruleus, 3 Ps. demasoni, 1 P. Spilotonus 'Albino Taiwan Reef', 2 C. afra "Cobue", 2 Ancistrus sp.-144, 5 Ps. Acei, 1 Albino Ancistrus spp. L-144, Various fry

20 Gallon Long Reef: 1 Gramma melacara, 1 Pseudocheilinus hexataenia, 2 Lysmata amboinensis, 2 Lysmata wurdemanni, snails, hermits, crabs, mushrooms, SPS, rare zoanthids, palythoas, ricordea, favites, cloves, acans, candycanes leathers


I'm running a DIY 8X54w HO-T5 setup with icecap ballasts and reflectors over a 90gl and keep softies, LPS, SPS and a clam.
Although I don't get the shimmering effect, the colours just pop which matters to me as SW is 90% visual. Current bulbs of choice are URI, Giesemann and Korallen-Zucht though I am now looking at ATI to see what that can do for me ...

And check this out:

All he is running over these prop tanks are:
Maternity - 60% Blue Special with 40 % Blue Plus (to enhance coral growing)
Nursery - 50% Blue Special with 40 % Blue Plus
Day Care - 50% Blue Special with 40 % Blue Plus


WOW! The lighting was definitly that LAST thing i was checkin out on that thread! thanks for the post.


For your 75g a 6x54 tek light will be plenty. I run a 8x54 over my 90g and love it. IMO T5's are far superior over Halides because of the colour combos you are able to create. Make sure that you get the acrylic cover to protect the reflectors.


Quote from: reefdava16 on March 12, 2009, 12:48:08 AM
Make sure that you get the acrylic cover to protect the reflectors.

Also, individual reflectors make a world of difference.
I have found IC reflectors better then TEC reflectors and they were less expensive too. 
Funny really ... I was so set on VHO and then MH as something I needed to have. Took me a long time to turn the corner ... it was pics like this changed my mind.


Thanks for the link.  Now my chin is bruised.  Jerk. ;D :D ;D


Quote from: lis_ on March 12, 2009, 01:58:53 PM
pics like this changed my mind.

Didn't they use something similar to the ulta-lith system on this tank also to make the colours pop?


I did not read the whole thread but he did mention additions of bacteria and bacteria food. 


Quote from: chima_p on March 12, 2009, 04:43:22 PM
I did not read the whole thread but he did mention additions of bacteria and bacteria food.

The lights are part of it, but thats alot of lights on a 210 and yearly replacement cost.
Pure T5!!
2x54 Watt ATI Aquablue Special
2x54 Watt ATI Blue Plus
4x80 Watt ATI Aquablue Special
4x80 Watt ATI Blue Plus
For a total of 856 Watts. The lamps are changed every 6-8 months."

But this has alot to do with it also
"Aim of all products is creating a relatively low nutrient environment in our seawater aquaria.
The bonus of selected bacteria and the feeding reduce the nutrients.
The biological functions are activated. ReefBooster serves the diet of the corals and DSB resident.
The dosage of the individual components is very simple. The ampoule tops are simply broken off, the contents thinned down into some aquarium water and admitted. Ready!
The Vodka method also increases bacteria anyway? Right!
Vodka is a carbon source for the bacteria. By the bonus of Vodka one obtains an increase of all bacteria’s contained in the system. By the bonus of selected bacterium and carbon sources the desired bacteria remain dominant.
So the biological functions are used optimally."


Quote from: salvini55 on March 11, 2009, 09:10:45 PM
what set up are you running? Im trying to compare the 48 inch Nove extreme pro 6x56 with a simmilar Tek light T5. anybody have any comments on the two?...

I made it myself. If you are sheilding the bulbs then don't go for expensive waterproof end caps. Buchanon lighting in Ottawa has regular ones for less than $3 each. Workhorse seven ballasts $50 each or so, bulbs $20 each (although I'm sure there is a way to get cheaper bulbs maybe by the crate).

reflectors were the most problematic. I am upgrading those by getting 2" pvc pipe cutting it in half and lining them witn heat resistant mylar - around $60. and then you have the individual reflectors - they are not parabolic but that is a minor increase in efficinecy which I don't think I need as my corals are growing well even with 1 big reflector.

I am planning to put the tank in the wall i my basement too. If any-one would like a good oak stand for a 6 foot 125 gal let me know.
