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Looking for advice, similar question as pcole6765

Started by Glyce, March 07, 2009, 02:42:13 PM

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My question is, I want to change the landscape in one of my tanks, never have done this, so should I be concerned about this "bio junk" collected in the substrate when removing items with the fish still in the tank?
Thank you


I think if you're just taking out a few decorations it should be ok. Sometimes shells and driftwood will affect the ph levels but shouldn't affect the bio junk. You have to also remember that the fish use those decorations and stuff as hiding spots.


I want to replace the existing landscape with new stuff, different look, but the reason I'm concerned is I've pulled a piece out and a good amount of sediment invaded the tank, so I move anything else yet, fish are ok so far, but I want to make sure it won't kill them.

Thanks pcole6765


It depends how much landscaping you plant to do. Changing gravel is pretty drastic, so you should take the tank down. Rearranging decorations in the tank is minor and can be done without taking the fish out in most cases. The bio-gunk isn't usually critical if it is mulm, in fact it contains helpful bacteria; it is more harmful if it contains a lot of leftover food. I any way, I would just wait until it settles after aquascaping and siphon it out, harmful or not, it doesn't look very pleasant. I have done this a lot and never had any problems :)
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
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Thank you for the input pcole6765 and fischkopp.


Don't worry about uprooting things and moving things around the tank.  It looks like a sandstorm is sweeping through your tank with all the stuff that gets stirred up (you should have seen my tank after the Giant Auction when I re-arranged plants and added new ones) but it's not harmful to your fish.  Your filter will likely get most of it out after it gets stirred up, so when the water is cleared and your re-arranging is done, give the sponge in your filter a rinse in some fish water.  Just siphon it out into a bucket first and throw out the water when the rinsing is over to avoid another sand storm :)

Sorry I had to put that in would be surprised at how people take things sometimes. ::)


I just finished changing out the gravel and you should see the sandstorm I have going on in there now...I can't see through it to replant all my plants :o


Did you rinse it first?  Was it Flourite?  My tank was mud for a week after adding that stuff because the fine particulates are the good stuff we pay for!!! Thank goodness there was no fish.


I did rinse it first...a few times. I replaced the blue gravel with Flourite, it's going to look awesome but right now it looks really bad. I have my fish sitting in a 10 gal waiting to go back in. How long should I wait to put them back in?


As I said, my tank was mud for a week...but I didn't rinse it.  That stuff isn't intended for rinsing actually.  Rinsing takes away some of the good stuff that makes it more expensive.

I have a 48 x ?? (72 bowfront) and the substrate was a 50/50 mix of flourite and regular gravel that is about 3" deep.  It was mud for a week.  Check out my gallery pics.  I think I have some in there of how it looked.  even after that, every time I move anything or re-plant something, I got a nice dose of "sand storm".

The tank has been up for over a year and even after all that time, I had to dust off my aquarium plants after my re-arranging last weekend. :o The fish stayed in there last weekend and were fine.  Since you took out all the gravel and added all new stuff, it's a good thing you took the fish out.

Good move getting rid of blue gravel...omg, I don't know why the stores sell it! :P


I've succesfully rearanged my tank with no problems, unbelievable the crap that sets in there, thank you all for your advice. :)


If you fill the tank half full of water then plant and aquascape it is easier. You should put a bowl or plate on top of the gravel and pour water over it slowly with no splash. I used a large pitcher to dip out the water then reach into the tank to pour it from less of a height and over the bowl/plate this disturbed very little of the substrate. I had cloudy water but after a day it was cleared up. BUT you do not rinse flourite or eco-complete any of the expensive plant substrates. You are throwing out part of what you are paying for.
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My tank is absolutely gross. I changed the gravel sunday and I have this awful layer of "dust" on all my plants, driftwood and rocks. I guess I'll be doing a water change tomorrow


I had the same issue when I set up my new tank recently - but I had 'used' gravel.  For a couple of days there was brown residue on everything.  Perhaps it ws diatoms or brown algae but it cleared up on its own within a few days.  Maybe the snails took care of it.


You might have to dust off the plants and decorations a little at a time slowly though. I used a clean basting brush. Also used my gravel vacuum. After a bit remember to clean your filter in used tank water in a bucket so it doesn't get clogged up.

Did the water clear up?
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The water is pretty much clear. The filter is a mess so I rinsed one sponge in tank water. It's looking a little better today but the plants still have dust on them.

I noticed that some of the plants I picked up at the auction have hair algae on them. How do I get that off?


Careful don't risne the filter sponges to much... after all this is a newly cycled tank. use a tooth brush to remove hair algae... was it on the plants or did it grow recently?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


It was already on the plants, I notice it more now that it's covered in dust


Quote from: pcole6765 on March 11, 2009, 04:24:33 PM
It was already on the plants, I notice it more now that it's covered in dust

tooth brush... hopefully and old one you won't use again... LMAO OH by the way sterlize the tooth brush in hot water best you can.
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