Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Plant GA Purchases?

Started by dan2x38, March 24, 2009, 08:30:53 AM

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I posted after the Giant Auction if anyone needed help with any plants I sold them LMK. Also if they had a major issue like a die off with them to LMK. I also said the same for my fish. One person did reply they lost a fishy so I gave them 2 to replace him... oops or her... :)

I didn't buy much this year. Managed to pick up some additional Christmas Moss. I have some on a small moss wall I am working on just wanted to add more filling it out the easy way. Well I bought one for $7. After claiming it noticed no Christmas Moss fronds... :( So I bid on another from a different vendor and it was like night and day... got that one for $4... :)

Well I let the one with no sign of Xmas fronds grow some in a tank and all that has grown out is more java moss stringy fronds and about 2 Xmas fronds...  >:( The other one from the different vendor is awesome looks nicer than mine even! The fronds look like Christmas Tree boughs and a nice beautiful rich green! I was hoping in time the one would show true Christmas moss... NOT

Did you get exactly what you paid for? :( Did your purchase turn better than excepted? :)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Many of my plants have died off or are dieing off. The plants I bought are all for low light, I wanted to make sure they would grow well with the lighting I have. I'm having better luck with them in one tank then in the other, not sure why that is. The tank they're not doing so well in has better lighting then the other.
The fry I found in the tank after putting the plants in are doing well. Still too small to tell what they are.