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Clean-up Crew

Started by DARKPHREAK, March 02, 2004, 06:11:03 PM

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For those of you that have cichlids I am looking for some type algae eater that will clean my tank(glass) and get along with my demasoni. I suppose I could just clean the glass myself but dont want to upset the fish more then necessary. I have a yoyo and cae in my 75g but they are VERY hard to catch amongst all the plants. Any suggestions?


I have pleco and he seems to work fine, as I never clean the glass, even with a sun light. Also I often put melania in the aquarium, but they cannot survive for long...
Another suggestion - Labeotropheus. 75 G is good for them:^)


I clean my glass with a credit card once every 2 weeks..  I can't do much else with the credit card.
Bristlenose plecos work well with cichlids.


I have two "chinese algae eaters" (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri)
in with my cichlids. Man are these guys mean, one of the cichlids takes a nip and the algae eater turns around and chases it across the tank :P . They certainly can take care of themselves in a tank full of Africans...



My cae is with my dwarfs and angels in the 75g and hes just abit to agressive for them. I will move him over to the 29g once I can catch him which I've been trying to do for the last 2 hours. Does he inflict more damage then he receives?


not in my experience. Mine are just mean. They like to chase... but I have yet seen them hurt any of my fish... nor have I seen any damage that could have been caused by the little guys.

I swear by 'em!



best fish while not really an algae eater is anything synodontis, catfish are good bottom feeders, especially upsidedown cats they do excellent in my tanks