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Are yellow labs usually really shy?

Started by Stussi613, April 27, 2009, 11:16:14 PM

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I've got 10 yellow lab juveniles in my tank by themselves and whenever I go near the tank they disappear.  I've got no doubt now that there are enough caves for them to hide in :D

I've only had the light on a few hours a day since they are new to the it normal for them to only come out when no one is around?

I haz reef tanks.


Give them time to settle in to their new digs
and they'll get to know that they are safe
and will be the most active in the tank.
Our labs never hide unless females are holding,
they are always right there at the glass wanting to be
I'd start lengthening the time that the lights are on,
sit and enjoy them and they'll soon venture out.
I see by your sig. that you will be adding more
fish? That will also help with their shyness.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Yes, I'll be adding more fish, but I'm not sure I will end up putting the acei in for a while.  I'm going to add 5 demasoni a week for the next three weeks, then hopefully end up with about a 12 desmasoni and 6-8 yellow labs when the dust settles.  Can I leave the lights on for the whole day (I'm not really worried about algae) or should I just have it on for 3-4 hours in evening?
I haz reef tanks.


i keep my lights turned on 12 hours a day problems except for algea.


You will find they will take some time to get settled in. After a bit they are sorta like a puppy dog begging to be fed.

Changes in routine can cause them to be shy though try to have consistant feeding times and lights on the same amount/times every day.



Quote from: Stussi613 on April 28, 2009, 08:55:26 AM
Can I leave the lights on for the whole day (I'm not really worried about algae) or should I just have it on for 3-4 hours in evening?

I'd run lights on for 7-8 hours, anymore than that and you'll run the chance of
growing some nasty types of algae that are hard to get rid of.
Watch to the amount that you feed.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


I'm only feeding them a small pinch twice a day, in the morning and at 6:00...I was warned not to overfeed them already as they can get bloat and won't grow as quickly.
I haz reef tanks.


Cool enjoy your new fish.  You will have a lot of dust to settle if you are adding 3 batches of demasoni.  They are very aggressive and with each new group you will have wars as they establish their pecking order.This may lead to some loss of life unfortunately.  i hope they are all young ones as the battles will be much less severe.  They will take over the best hiding spots and you will see more of your labs!
A confirmed MTS with lots of both species.