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Brooklynella Infection

Started by QueensU, June 10, 2009, 09:11:14 AM

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After finding my second clownfish dead this morning in its QT tank, I decided to bring it to work with me and do some wet mounts on the microscope. I did some skin scrapes and found, among the bacteria, hundreds of small parasites. I'm about 99% sure now that it was brooklynella. I've also been doing some reading on wetwebmedia, and have found numerous other cases like mine.

The bad news is, I still have one fish left in my display, and he is showing signs of infection now too! He is scraping against things, and trying like a beggar to get my cleaner shrimp to clean him. (they must be lazy, because they won't oblige.) He's even gone to such lengths as to get my emerald crab to clean him! He hovers in front of it and lets it pick at him.

I am going to get him out of the tank as soon as I get home tonight, but I will have to tear the whole tank apart. I tried to catch him for about an hour the other day. I will QT him, and go fishless for the next month or so.  :'(

I'm going to put him in quarantine and start dipping him in formalin. I was on a dipping regimen with the clowns, and they were looking a little bit better, but I stopped for 2 days, when I should have continued. (I read somewhere that you should do it on days 1,2,5,10 or something like that.) I think that if you monitor them very closely and take them out after about 10-15 mins you can dip them every day. Anyways, lesson learned. QT YOUR NEW FISH!


Quote from: QueensU on June 10, 2009, 09:11:14 AM
Anyways, lesson learned. QT YOUR NEW FISH!

It's a hard lesson to swallow, but necessary.

BTW can you tell us a little about the male perc. Did you buy it at a Kingston LFS/vendor or other member? You don't have to name names, I'm just curious about the circumstances. Do you know how long the fish was at it's location when you bought it. How long did you qt it before putting it in your tank.

110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


True enough. Valuable lesson learned. It was an LFS store in kingston yes. I happened to be in there the day that they came in. They looked a little weary from travelling, so I waited for about 3 days. When I went back they looked a lot better. I quarantined it for almost 2 weeks, but the filter was acting up in the QT tank, so I decided to put him in my display. In hindsight, terrible reef-keeping practice, I know. He seemed fine though. (famous last words! lol)


Quote from: QueensU on June 10, 2009, 09:13:06 PM
True enough. Valuable lesson learned. It was an LFS store in kingston yes. I happened to be in there the day that they came in. They looked a little weary from travelling, so I waited for about 3 days. When I went back they looked a lot better. I quarantined it for almost 2 weeks, but the filter was acting up in the QT tank, so I decided to put him in my display. In hindsight, terrible reef-keeping practice, I know. He seemed fine though. (famous last words! lol)

Well, you've not done anything that 90% haven't done at least once in this hobby, either by putting a fish directly into the tank or by rushing the qt by a couple of weeks. Threads like this are important because they remind new/old hobbyists that one bad apple spoils the bunch. Looking back, I only quarantined six of the eight fish in my tank even though I knew the risks I was taking.

Hopefully your remaining fish survives and in a couple of months you can pick up where you left off. In the meantime, get yourself another qt tank ($10.00 easy), buy another clownfish and keep him quarantined while you sort everything out. When you're sure your tank is free of parasites you'll be all set to drop him in and be back on your way.

Good luck.

110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


Yeah, I've been wanting to set up another 10gal with a few pieces of LR and some sand and let it cycle. Just to have another tank to put stuff/grow out frags etc while still keeping the bare bottom true QT.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I appreciate your advice. Also, as you mentioned, despite the fact that almost no one has posted on it, I hope everyone that has read it realizes how easy your entire tank can be messed up. I'll have to add to my signature at the bottom, "reformed short quarantiner"  lol


I only setup a QT as required.  I have an empty 10g tank with a powerhead which sits empty until I need it.  When I need it, I fill it with water from my tank, steal a rock or two, and throw in some PVC pipe for hiding, etc. and away I go.  6 weeks later if I find nothing I return the rock to my tank and dump the water, etc.  The opnly think you need to be prepared to do is in the event you find the fish came in with something, you now have an "infected" rock you have to decide what you are going to do with.  You might have to remove the rock if you decide to medicate also, but for typical watch and observe QT it works great.

Quote from: QueensU on June 10, 2009, 11:05:27 PM
Yeah, I've been wanting to set up another 10gal with a few pieces of LR and some sand and let it cycle. Just to have another tank to put stuff/grow out frags etc while still keeping the bare bottom true QT.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I appreciate your advice. Also, as you mentioned, despite the fact that almost no one has posted on it, I hope everyone that has read it realizes how easy your entire tank can be messed up. I'll have to add to my signature at the bottom, "reformed short quarantiner"  lol


Just a thought, why would you opt to use Live Rock? when a small filter with sponge will do? remember QT tank just needs to be bare basics.

As for the inevitable splurge purchase or sick fish that needs immediate attention and a QT tank.... I personally would just keep spare sponges in the DT that would have bacteria ready so again no need for a cycle just steal water from teh DT and fill.

If you don't have sponges I noticed this on one of OVAS members handy blogs :

Supposed to allow for a zero cycle... perfect for an emergency QT.


I don't have a sump, and would prefer to not have sponges kicking around when I can have live rock.  Also, live rock will help manage the nitrates, and thus provide for a more maintenance free QT tank.  For me, it is the easiest way.

Quote from: lost_at_sea on June 11, 2009, 09:39:34 AM
Just a thought, why would you opt to use Live Rock? when a small filter with sponge will do?


Yeah, I don't transfer any live rock over. I keep sponges going in an aquaclear all the time in the DT. I transfer the sponges to the QT tank. Since there are no fish in it now, I'm going to empty it and sanitize it with bleach, then rinse everything and set it up again for the chromis. I will probably start a Formalin dipping with him in a separate 1gal dip tank. I was thinking of setting up an entirely new nano tank as well. It would be just another tank I guess, as opposed to a place to QT or treat fish. (separate thread I suppose, apologies)

I very much agree with the PVC pieces though. Providing hiding spots for sick fish/new fish is a good idea.


Quote from: lost_at_sea on June 11, 2009, 09:39:34 AM
Just a thought, why would you opt to use Live Rock? when a small filter with sponge will do? remember QT tank just needs to be bare basics.

As for the inevitable splurge purchase or sick fish that needs immediate attention and a QT tank.... I personally would just keep spare sponges in the DT that would have bacteria ready so again no need for a cycle just steal water from teh DT and fill.

If you don't have sponges I noticed this on one of OVAS members handy blogs :

Supposed to allow for a zero cycle... perfect for an emergency QT.

I'll be following this suggestion myself in the future. (i mean the QT tank that is, and I'd liek to know who that member is with teh blog, or are you talking about mine?)
Anyways, good thread and great info!


Quote from: groan on June 11, 2009, 03:47:25 PM
I'll be following this suggestion myself in the future. (i mean the QT tank that is, and I'd liek to know who that member is with teh blog, or are you talking about mine?)
Anyways, good thread and great info!

Sorry Yes it was your blog.. i couldn't remember your name (new here) but definitely remember the Pirate picture haha.  I have it book marked on my other laptop, sorry I would plug it now too it's got some great information!