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Converting Brackish to the water?

Started by LStone, June 21, 2009, 11:47:47 AM

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Hey ya'll,

I'm converting my African Cichlid tank into a saltwater tank (I'll be keeping triggers) and was wondering if I could keep the water that is alerady in my 72 GL and just convert it to Saltwater. I add Salt and PH stabilizers to it with every water change, so the water in it is of high PH and my African are quite healthy. The aquarium runs on 2 Eheim filters, one 2217 and a 2213. I won't be keeping live rocks or corals or anything, just 2 or 3 triggers.

Any help in converting this set up would be greatly appreciated.

Lee ;)


If it was me I would tear it down.Clean the Crushed coral(if that is whats in there).Clean out the filters and start fresh.
It doesnt take that long.