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Re: Questions

Started by QueensU, June 15, 2009, 08:28:07 AM

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QuoteI set up my tank on April 18th, so it is getting close to the 2 month point.
Here is my setup as of right now:
50 gal main tank
20L tank made into a sump
2 - 3 inches of live sand
between 50 and 60 pounds of live rock
Remora Protein Skimmer
Eheim Cannister Filter
1 Hydor Koralia 2
2 Maxi Jet 900's  (1 on during the day and both at night)
Lighting: 2x90W actinic, 1x250W metal halide

Critters in the tank:
10 Cerith snails
2 Emerald crabs
2 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
2 Yellow Tailed Blue Damsels (added on June 2)

I think that is everything.
I have not actually seen this tank cycle yet, but did see an Ammonia spike back on May 5th. The next day all was normal again. I have also seen no change in in any water tests since adding the Damsels. Is it possible the tank is good to go now or am I still patiently waiting for it to cycle?

Ok, so that was one question, but not the real reason I have jumped into the forum. I may have done something "dumb" and would like some expert opinions.
While cleaning my cannister filter today, I found a little mystery critter under the Chemi Pur bag. It was about 1/2 inch long, was transparent, had pretty long feelers up front and a rather longish, narrow tail. It's inards were about the length of its main body and black. Any idea what this may be??
Now for the dumb part. I thought this might be a nice treat for the guys (and gals?) in the tank, so I dropped it in. It did a couple of somersaults, swan straight to the bottom of the tank and buried itself in the sand! This all in what seemed like the blink of an eye! So now I'm wondering if I have released a possible Godzilla into my tank!

I don't imagine there is much I can do about it now, but was just wondering if any wiser minds had any opinions.

Thanks very much!

The mystery critter was probably just a mysis shrimp or an amphipod. It likely had free reign of your canister filter and grew quickly. I have a few in my tank that are almost 1/2" long. If you do some hunting around at night with a flash light, you will see them.

Here is a link with some pictures of mysis shrimp and amphipods (under 'small creatures'). Have a look and see if either of these are the culprit. If thats the case, they are both ok to have in a tank.


Thanks to all for the reply's, and so quickly too!! :)

So I will go through the responses and add what I can to my previous info.

Firstly, What a relief to know Godzilla is still in Japan!! I'll sleep easier tonight!  ;D

The test kits I am using are: API Saltwater Master Test Kit, API Calcium Test Kit and a Seachem pH and Alkalinity Test kit. Refractometer for Salinity.
Here are all the numbers recorded just before writing this message:
Temp. 78.3
Salinity 1.023
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrates 0
pH 8.3
Calcium 360 (a bit low??)
Alkalinity 4

Slow it is. So far my patience is doing pretty well. I would like to add one or two starfish to help with agitating the sand. Would the bio load from the starfish be very big? Could I add a single fish at the same time or would it be better to wait for a while after adding the starfish? I also know very little about corals. Do corals add to the bio load?

MJ timing has been corrected. Now 2 on during the day and one at night.

Ditching the cannister filter will be a pleasure! Woo Hoo!!

Mod the MJ's?? Do tell....

I was going to post some photos, but don't have a clue how to do it. I looked around but couldn't find any how to's. If someone could give me the "upload photos for dummies" info, I will certainly add some.

Thanks very much for the link with photos! I'm putting my money on an amphipod for my mystery critter. It looked really similar.

So, thanks again for the welcomes and the great info! Pictures will be on their way as soon as I figure out how.



Calcium and especially Alk are low IMO.

For MJ Mods, do a google search for that term.  Some mods are DIY.  You can also buy kits online @ $20-25 ish.  I believe that Marinescape also carries the mod kits.
120G Reef


Starfish are generally not recommended for newer tanks. They can plough through all the stuff in your sand very quickly, and end up starving to death. Some people have no problems with them, but just as a heads up.


You'ew ALK is dangerously low... crazy low...  Fish might not care, but corals will have major problems...

CA is low ish, 400 would be good, 440 awesome, 360 is just low.. again, corals care, fish do not.

Mg (Magnesium) ?  Do you have a test for this?

I do not know those brands of test kits you are using... you might want to check into Salfert kits as they are the recognized "standard" for the hobby...

Pat at OttawaInverts (a sponsor here as well) did a seminar on how to mod the MJ's at an event a while back.  Give him a shout, his ID is redbelly, and I'm sure he'll give you the easy instructions on how to DIY...

What are your plans for your system??? Reef?? Fish only?  Etc??


add 1 more powerhead, I do not think its a good idea to mod a maxijet on a tank your size.
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or buy a vortech actually its cool though :)


Quote from: az on June 16, 2009, 10:26:07 PM
add 1 more powerhead, I do not think its a good idea to mod a maxijet on a tank your size.

How come Az? 

Not that I disagree with adding a powerhead, they are cheap and simple... it's probably the quickest way...   :)


I also agree to add the powerhead.

The MJ mod is easy.Take off the old cover a impeller and add the new one.Done.-$20


i would say az said not to mod the mj because the putput would be overkill....with the sure flow mod it bumps it up to this...

Maxi-Jet 400: 1300GPH
Maxi-Jet 600: 1400GPH
Maxi-Jet 900: 1550GPH
Maxi-Jet 1200: 1600GPH
Maxi-Jet 1200: 2100GPH (large propeller)

thats taken from jlaquatics website


Modding a 900 goes from 900 to 1550 (basically add's 650)... about the same as adding a 400-900 mj series would it not?

I figured the mod'ed MJ created better flow-patterns inside the tank itself (less directional)... so by moding the MJ's (both or just one) you'd get increased flow and more dispersed flow...  which I figured was win/win... 

Any thoughts?


Hmm,  here are the flow rates for stock MJs (taken from a vendor's website, so don't take as gospel)

Mj400  120V/60Hz 5W 106gph (400lph) 
Mj600  120V/60Hz 7.5W 160gph (600lph) 
Mj900  120V/60Hz 8.5W 230gph (870lph) 
Mj1200  120V/60Hz 20W 295gph (1110lph)

The improvements with the Mod Kits are rather significant. 
120G Reef


As hookup mentioned.The flow pattern on the modded MJ is alot wider which gives it a more softer flow.Since its coming out of a larger area.
I would mod.Why spend another $40+ when you dont have to?