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What should I ask for my saltwater setup???

Started by knowles101, June 19, 2009, 02:46:30 PM

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Hey guys and gals, well life takes us different ways and I will be having to leave the country this coming January. Unfortunately I will not be able to bring my beloved setup with me therefore I have to start thinking about selling it. I was wondering what you all think I could get for my setup. Here is what I have; PS: I dont want to part it out.

65 gallon drilled tank
30 gallon sump
1x Hydor Koralia Pump 2
1x Hydor Koralia Pump 3
1x Coralife 65 Protein Skimmer
2x 200Watt Heaters
1x Aquactinics TX5 light (5x 36" T5 bulbs)
1x Sedra KSP-3500 submersible in line pump (35Watt, 350 gal/hour)
1x top off pump+ sensor
1x Eheim automatic fish feeder
1x refractometer
1x SW test kit
All plumbing included
About 75lbs of Live rock & 30-40 lbs of live sand and mixed crush coral
1 bubble tip anemone, 2 clown, 1 yellow tang, 1 bangai cardinal, 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 pistol shrimp, 1 sand sifting starfish, 1 brittle serpent starfish, many different snails, blue & red legged hermits,
Corals include a few pulsing Xenias, Frogs spawn, purple mushrooms & green ricordeas.

I also have a homemade stand that I can sell with it.


$500 for equipment and $150 for livestock? should sell quickly at that


I think more than $500 for the equipment. You would need to be a bit for specific about some of the items for and exact estimate but I would take the time to part it out. Not many people will want everything unless the can get it for a steal. If you have the time, sell it to people who need each item. You have a lot of popular stuff there. I would want your ricordeas if you parted out too =) That is not why I am suggesting parting out though. I really do think it would be the best thing, and you are going to get a lot of requests from people who want just one or two things anyway. Good luck.


You would defininately make more money and sell it quicker if you were to part it out.  But then you have to be prepared if you don't sell it all.   $500 seems kinda low personally, aren't the TX5's alittle pricey to begin with??


sell it mid fall when there is more traffic.
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I would have said 1k + for sure... that is a nice set up, probably more than 3k invested


yeah so far I have invested just a little over $3000. The TX5 light cost me over $700. I guess I will see what kind of response I get for it this fall.