Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New 65 gallon

Started by White Lightning, February 07, 2009, 10:14:02 PM

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White Lightning

Thanks folks! I have yet another update...I promise this will be the last for a while. I thought that the tank needed a few more pounds of live rock so I picked up some more and filled in some of the blanks. (Thanx xenon) Now in total I have approx 120 pounds of live rock in a 65 gallon tank.

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White Lightning

Well it's been two months since my last update. The tank is still going well. I have finally been able to place the corals where I would like them to stay. Showing some excellent growth on the corals. This tank has been set up from scratch and has been running for almost six months. In that time, I have only lost a fox face, lawnmower blenny and an anenome. All deaths were for reasons unknown.
This is a pretty basic set sump, overflow , or refuge. Simply running a skimmer and 2lbs of live rock for every 1 gallon of water.

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Looking good!  I love the KISS approach too :)


Randy take a vid of the set up! I wanna see those corals flowing  ;D

White Lightning

I am gonna try to tonight. I'm doing water changes on all the tanks right now because I came home from work to find that my new anenome got sucked into my powerhead and pretty much ripped to shreds. He must have decided to make a run for it. What a waste..... It was fine this morning when I left for work. So it had to have happened at some point throughout the day.


man that sucks. what powerhead did the deed?

White Lightning

That woudl have been the modded maxi jet. I have given up on trying to keep an anenome for now. I am considering on upgrading my light to metal halides in the next couple of months.

White Lightning

It has been eight months now since I set up this tank and things have gone relatively well. I;ve lost a few things along the way. For example: all my pulsing xenia has melted away lost my elegance and clam as well as two anenomes and many snails. As for fish I had a foxface that lasted a few months and a coral beauty only make it three weeks. Everything else that I have added during the last eight months has done well and continues to grow. I haven't taken many pictures in the last little while but here is one of the more recent. Minus the anenome and elegance and add a couple of big torches and you got the picture. Gotta love this hobby!

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Very very nice!  I am only at 3wks with my new tank but excited to fill it in a little more. You have a bit more rock in your 65 than I do in my 90 :D