Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

TSkinner's 5.5 Gal Reef pics added....01 July 09

Started by tskinner, February 22, 2009, 01:59:04 PM

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Quote from: Hookup on June 16, 2009, 11:30:59 AM

Thanks.  Things are starting to color up nicely now and some growth is slowly happening.  Started my alk/cal dosing/testing today.  Alk was down to 5.9 last night so I added 2.5ml of Part 1 and 2.  Once I get the levels up to where they should be I'll figure out my daily usage and continue daily or every second day dosing to keep everything more stable.  Also picked up a new dslr so I should be able to get some better pics now.  Thanks for looking....


Figured it was time for an update.  Got my 2 part figured out finally.  I'm currently using 1ml every 2 days to maintain 9dkh and 450Ca.  Now I just need everything to continue to color up more under the 20k.  Its coming along slowly.  Picked up a new camera so I snapped some new pics.  Thanks for looking.


Very nice pics!  COngrats.

What brand of 2-part are you using?
120G Reef



Quote from: Rybren on July 01, 2009, 04:26:31 PM
Very nice pics!  COngrats.

What brand of 2-part are you using?

Thanks.  Currently using ESV B-Ionic two part.  Not the bicarbonate version of it.


120G Reef


Added two more SPS pieces on the weekend so once they settle in I'll get some updated pics.  I'm also documenting coral growth so I hope to be able to show growth month by month over a long period of time.  So far its only been a month and its noticeable.  I hope it don't happen too fast since its a small tank, but oh well......


Well the day is getting close.  My house got all packed up today by the movers and the only thing left is my tank.  I'll be starting my move to Newfoundland on Sunday so hopefully everything works out as planned.  I'll keep you guys updated once I get there and get everything put back together.  Thanks for all the help so far and even though I'll be in a different province I'll still active on these forums.



120G Reef

Dave and Diane

Best of luck with the move.
Hope all the corals make it safe and sound.

Remember EGS or wFE tech,,,,,,,,ha


Well so far so good.  I've made it to the Newfoundland ferry in nova scotia and everything is doing good.  I have alittle stn on the base of one of my millis but that's it so far.  For the trip down I ran a 50 watt heater and a k nano off a 75 watt inverter.  My tank contents are sitting in a cooler in my back seat.  At night in the hotel I set up my mh light fixture to give everything some light.  The next leg is the ferry which is in about 5 hours.  For that I'm running a battery operated air stone and hoping my tank temp don't drop to much in the cooler with the lid closed.  Over the last 2 hours with no heat it is still sitting at 80 so I'm hoping for the best.  I also picked up alittle baby tank raised clown for the ride and a new tank sinnce I dropped my old while packing.  Thanks for looking and I'll let you guys know how it goes tomorrow.  Later

Dave and Diane

excellent and good to hear.
Hopefully the ferry trip will be good.

Keep us posted............


Well I've finally struck land.  I made it here this morning and everything did as planned, awesome.  Tank was 79 degrees after 7 hours of no heater with the lid closed and the battery operated air stone running.  The tank won't be set up again for a few days since I have to wait for my furniture to get here from Ontario.  Once its up, I'll snap a few pics of the tank and the new addition. 

Thanks for coming out....