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water concerns

Started by Snider82, August 15, 2009, 10:29:21 PM

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Here are the additives, as listed on the water report for pembroke:

List all water treatment chemicals used over this reporting period:
Aluminum Sulphate (PHAS), Soda Ash, Sodium Silicate, Chlorine Gas, Sodium
Hypochlorite, Sulphuric Acid

Should we be concerned with any of these additives? And Chloramine was not listed. Im intersted in your thoughts. 

i live in an appartment, so i cant just install a RO system - dont really have the room or funds.  can I use the tap water or should i be spending the bux on cullugan?


i don't know if i want to drink your water let alone put it in my tank,if you can't afford a RO system culligan is good but check the TDS on it they use old water bottles so they can leach plastic,i would save our duckets and get a RO it is cheaper in the long run.   


lol.  i drink my tap water like kids drink juice.   i'v droped alot of cash into my system and worried i have to drop more right away.. i may have to hold of till pay day,  and put any plans of  sump/drilling away for a while. 

im having micro bubble problems with my skimmer.. i hope that i can get it working a bit better so that the whole sump thing can be held of for a while.


This is the link where that info came from. Although it doesn't say if those additives are for treating the sewage, or treating the drinking water, it still doesn't sound great.


with your water you don't have to spend the money right away,but you will benefit in the short and long run.are you having algae problems?
what kind of skimmer do you is normally just tuning it in.   


i checked, and thats for drinking water lol.   so i went and picked up a 15gallon heater and a 60Gph pump. i have 3 pails for mixing clean water.   im going to buy the 5 gallon culigan bottles every week for water changed ant top ups.  then ill fill my mixing bucket with water and salt, toss the heater and pump in there, and ill have to time how long i takes to warm up and mix my water.  

Initial cost of my solution = $35 ish + water
water should cost about 5 bux a week for 10% water changes.

this should be great for now.  

Fishdaddy,  i have a coralife super skimmer 65  i might modifie the outlet box a bit, with a diffrent filter pad in it or somthing,  i had to rais the skimmer up about 3 inches so tha tthe pump was closer to the surface, the ring really doesnt hold it up so for the time being i stuck eft over hose between teh skimmer and tank glass,  ill have to find something at work to rig it up higer.  and play with my setting i guess.


and no im not having algy probles yet,  i just put my CUC in there yesterday.  fish wont be for a while.  i might start with a damsel, unless i can find that  LeLeopard wrasse i want..


Sounds like a solid plan... You're skimmer should help, and when you're ready you can look into higher-performing skimmers and maybe even a sump.... /evil laugh...


lol im definalty going to do a sump.  i'v put my foot down lol.   

I have a friend with a 10gallon tank that i can use for now and will upgrade to 20gallon eventualy. I im undecided if i will drill my tank holes on my own or not..   i am a sheet metal worker / gass furnace / AC tech, so i have some hands on work under my belt - just not with glass.

i gotta do this cheap as possible!  or the wife wont let me do it.    im most worried about what im going to do with my LR/water/creatures while i get it drilled.