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Pegging your rockwork anyone

Started by Basile, March 08, 2009, 12:37:03 PM

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Hey just trying to find others with the same ideals. Hope to do my tank like this guy i found on the net. I thought it would inspires some of you as well; take a look, and tell me what you think and show us your rockwork.


Some more , and his techniques;

He uses lots of zip ties

And Putty


He didn't say what kind of airline tubing he used.

So comment and send some pics.


Alot of people drill their rocks and put acrylic rods inside them to hold them up.  Then use putty/or something similar to cover the rod.  Just make sure however you do, it sits nice and strong cause I wouldn't want anything falling over in my tank.


Depending on particular "design" you will have to use zip ties, plastic rods, marine epoxy.
When I was able to take LR from water, I used plastic rod - drilled the holes in LR and put the rods inside. For better attachment you may use epoxy sometimes. For me epoxy alone didn't solve the problem...
For LR that I was unable to take from water (have a lot of sponges for example), I used zip ties + epoxy (rare).
Definitely, if you can construct all the rock work outside the tank, it will be more stable, but when we are talking about dozens of pounds... it is difficult to put the whole construction into the tank.

I like this particular landscape and wanted to do something like this, but didn't have wide selection of flat LR for this.


Sorry for the long wait i had to do my sculpture first and posted after so here goes.

I started by buying some Marco rock 

It was pretty good, i didn't fine to be the best quality, but for price its works.
This is what they looked like


Set up

I plan on leaving enough room under the sculpture to the water flow and eliminate dead spots.I don,t really care about the legs showing a bit. Corals and some creativity will hide those soon enough.



how much rock did you buy from marco? was it expensive for shipping or what?