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Help: Clown Breathing Heavily

Started by vluu, August 26, 2009, 10:10:14 AM

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I don't have a QT yet.  Should I just leave him in the DT to battle it out or get him out to a bucket with a heater and powerhead?  Any suggestion?

He is breathing heavily and moving sluggish this morning.  He goes in and out of the GSP.

Water test last Saturday...

Salinity = 1.025
Temp = 80-82F
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 0

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I vote leave him.

You params seem very good, so pulling him to QT likly won't do anything for him, though I guess it might save other fish if there is a disease/parasite.. but if the other fish are healthy/happy, then likely their immune systems will keep them that way.

If the fish is new, a week or so, it's very possible that the fish was captured in such a manner that its beyond hope.  However, clowns are often tank-breed/raised which would likely eliminate that.

Get some health food.  I feed FaunaMarin Health every day, along with FaunaMarin Energy and some frozen foods.

Garlic might trigger a feeding response if he/she is not feeding... soak some food in garlic/water mix...  Or find some food with garlic already mixed in at a LFS.  Garlic's ability to boost/improve the immune system is highly suspect.  I've read 3 reports where it was tried and the results in all cases were inconlusive.

Good luck



He is still eating the NLS small pellets this morning.  We feed the pellets in the morning and frozen mysis shrimp in the afternoon daily.  I'll look into the FaunaMarin food...where do you get this stuff?


I believe that Ottawa Inverts carries the stuff!


My true percula did the same thing a few weeks ago - didn't last three days :(


Wild caught?

I give him a week if he is..Dont bother going out and getting anymore food.Just feed what you are and leave him be.There isnt too much you can do if he has Brook.


ok im on this one

is it a new clown or an existing clown? have you added anything new....from that pic the clowns not in good shape....if its still eating thats good....this is what im thinking it is..doesnt look ich-ish but is very possible...this is the other 2 i vote...brooklynella, or amyloodinium. Is it still covered in the spots?


I have had several clowns of different types sick with various ailments.
Removing them from the tank, unless they are being chased, will only add stress to them. This guy doesn't look anywhere near as bad as some of mine have in the past. I was told once that fresh water dipping them three days in a row will help. I found this to be untrue.
Better foods will help with your fishes overall health. A variety of foods I have found is the best.
I vote leaving this one in the tank and see what happens. Regardless what the ailment is, your tank now has been exposed to it.
Clownfish are tough little guys. I've got 14 different clowns in four tanks. I have only lost two, one to illness(ich) and the other from constant chasing from tank mates.(other clowns)

Hoping for the best. Keep us informed.
Oh, by the way, Tyler.L. knows his clown stuff, heed his advice.(IMO)


I have  done the FW dip and it has worked most of the time.Usually if the problem has gone too far or its internal the FW dip will not work.

Just let him be.It will cause alot more stress ripping apart your tank to catch.It could cause more problems to him and your tank.


Thanks for all the good advice.  We are keeping her in the DT.

She (bigger of the two clowns) seems to be doing better - breathing back to normal but skin color is still a bit pale.  She is eating normally and does not seem to have any obvious white spot.

We got the two clowns (wild caught) 4 weeks ago.  Last Tuesday, we bought a large piece of GSP and the clowns have been hosting the GSP since last Friday.  Other than that, we have been doing 15% water change weekly.

Time to hit the net to learn more about these ailments - itch, brooklynella, amyloodinium, etc... ::)  How do one terminate these nasty things from the tank once infected?


Ich is a tough one. Some will clean their systems and fish only for it to reappear with something else.
The only way to rid yourself of Ich is to remove all fish and allow the system to run without the fish for six weeks.
You will during this time treat the fish as well.
I am not 100% familiar with the treatments as I have not done them, however, there is alot of information available.
I am not familiar with the others.


I've done a fair bit of reading about ICK and have come to my own personal conclusion, I live with it.  Every fish in my tank has had it.. (cept maybe the Aurora Goby)...  I hadn't added a fishin months.  I recently added a yellow-belly hippo tang, and within two days, it was ICK'ed... now, 4 weeks (or so) later, no signs of ICK...

I have a simple philosophy on fish diseases.  Keep the highest, stablest quality water, feed quality foods, and a variety of them and let the rest take care of itself.  For the record, I've had one fish die of diseases... and it came to me with red-spots... didn't make the 1 week mark... My other losses are jump/carpet related... :(

This philosophy, btw, works well with my, "sit on my butt and do nothing" philosophy....


Seems like she made it through  8)

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Congrats! Clownfish are tough little buggers!
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


Great looking system!!!!   Nice, very nice...

BTW, glad to hear that your clown pulled thru...