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my big plans :)

Started by Snider82, August 03, 2009, 02:20:39 PM

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Quote from: Snider82 on August 20, 2009, 06:51:27 AM
im going to empty everything into a new garbage can that i prepare..  im going to have my flow box all done and dryed before i even start, so that when i get it toren apart, drilled, put over flow box in,  little bit of sylicone, 24 hour wait and put it back together,  hopefully that is long enough and nothing die's off..

im hopeing that would work..  rockwalls.  thats another time,  im not sure what im going to do.

I moved all my stuff into a 50gallon tank, on the floor, with a heater and a circulation pump... that included 2 clown fish, kole tang, royal gramma, hammer coral, plate coral, some zoas, possibly some other coral as well...   They staied in that tank for 8 or 9 days on the floor of my living room while I tore down and re-built my main tank... so, what I'm saying is you'll have no problems... you could look thru the classifieds, find a 20 or 30 gallon system (one that would work as a sump), pick it up for like $1/gallon (average price for a used "sump quality tank"), move all your "stuff" into it, throw in your heater, your rock, your sand, let it sit, then move your MP20 and your "fish/corals/crabs etc" once the dust/silt settles...  Then you have a good 5-10 days of no worries (other than evap water) to work on your display...

And you end up buying a sump in the process, which you can work on once your display is back up and running again... (basically exactly how I had my system converted from an under-tank sump to the baseement sump + rock walls)..

Be happy to lend a hand if you need.


So, I'm not sure where i left off with this build.  I've been having a pain doing water changes using 2  - 5 gallon buckets to mix with.  so today i picked up a plastic garbage can and rinsed/soaked it.  i have 10 gallons in it mixing up.  i bought a 75gph pump to stick in there.  this should make it easier to mix up water.  and when i get my 90g running it will be big enough for water changes for that.

the pump has an adapter for a 1/2 inch hose, i will pick up some hose from work to use so i can pump the water into my tank.  now i just have to figure out measurements water/salt ratio. 

i now have 5 damsels, a NEW dotty back, a blood shrimp, 4-6 snails, 2 crabs.

i picked up a couple piece of rock I'm going to use for my rock wall.  still planning it out. that will be in my 90g build thread.
