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Started by lcoates, March 07, 2004, 08:13:38 PM

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When I was at the last meeting we were talking about PH. Can anyone please remind me again how to increase my PH, something about Baking Soda and .... Thank you very much


Epsom or epson (however it is spelled) salt to make it hard!! I do about a teaspoon every 5 gallons!!


Just wondering, we have a water softener system for our house.  Do water softener's seem to cause additional low PH, cloudiness in the water..any other issues


water softeners replace one salt in your water with another salt. As i mentioned previously, if you live on the Ottawa water system, i wouldnt use softened water for aquariums unless you really had to. There are two reasons - the water out of our taps is already very soft - aquarists in most major cities envy it.

Secondly - if you are processing the city water, your chemistry wont be the same as the rest of the city', and will be less known - you will be on your own as to water chemistry issues.

Most of us can expect pretty similiar water issues, but a water processing system will make your water different is all im saying - you will have to discover its properties yourself.


Dave, I know we have talked about the water softer before, but I don't think I realized how bad it was for my cichilds. I apologize for asking the question again, this is all new to me, from my research and many questions I was focusing on PH.  We tested our GH and it is around 50. I must admit GH,KH right now it's all greek to me.
Are there any natural solutions , short of disconnecting the water softer ?
I am beginning to feel we were completely ripped off by this water company who told us how much healthlier it would be for our family.
 I really appreciate everyone's help, I  want to do this the right way.


Your water softener may be what you want - for your general house needs - thats up to you to decide. It may in fact be better water overall - i can't say one way or the other.

But for your simplicity, so that you are at least on the same page as the majority of the rest of us, I wonder if you can access your water but before the softener - when using it for your aquaria. I seem to remember that most softeners have a tap before the softener tank, you could put a  Y valve there - when drawing water for your tanks.

Just an idea.

If not, then really, from what i remember your system probably is fine - except that it perhaps trades calcium hardness for general hardness so you will have to know your water chemistry in more detail and adjust accordingly - thats all.

African cichlids like more hardness (more salts in the water) - exactly what ottawa water doesnt have , and your system also tries to remove. Im not sure what you should add to bump up your hardness - artw seems to be the expert in this. i think he uses baking soda and epsom salts.


Actually I thought of that as well, I was thinking of maybe using one tap that isn't affected by the system. I'm not sure it's possible I am going to call the company today.
You have made me feel alot better , I was really worried , my biggest fear was my Maisoni, he was acting alittle sluggish, and my water was not clearing up, it had a slight cloudiness. That's when I started to think maybe it's the soft water . Turns out after the auction, it completely re-decorated my tank. I  added some diftwood that I had purchased at the auction, and one piece I had purchased a couple of years ago in North Carolina. Last night I decided to take it out....   maybe that's my problem. This morning tank's all clear my Maisoni is right back to normal. I think I have learned a valueable lesson....
So all is well in my world!!!![/b]


My husband came up with a great idea, we are going to get a plumber to install a tap between where the water comes into the house and the water softener. Problem solved Hurray


Art and Drew .... ( or anyother cichild experts) In your experience which method do you perfer to use to increase PH? Do you use the corals or the epsom salts/bakingsoda formula. If you do perfer the epsom salts can you please provide me with the formula? Thanks


I do this- using Ottawa tap water.  
1 teaspoon baking soda and 1 teaspoon epsom salt, plus or minus 5 gallons.

I do a 50% in a 27, I'll add 3tsp each to the tank when it is half empty and refill it.   on a 10 gallon I'll only add 1tsp at 50%....
right now I dont have any mgso4 so I can't do waterchanges *heavy sigh*


i assume you mean PER 5 gallons?



lol, I take the box of baking soda and aquarium salt and shake a bunch right into my tank, I never even measure, this method works for me.  also I have crushed coral substrate to help keep it high.  at least I assume it's high, as long as my fish are fine I don't care :)


Thank you this info is very helpful, once I get the tap with Ottawa water, I am going to use the epsom /baking soda. We are very lucky to have such a forum ....there's nothing like having experienced people to ask.


I still need to find a bulk source for NaHCO3 and MgSO4-7H2O


There is a chemist store downtown near bank but I don't know the address. Ottawa Chemical Pharmacy or something. You can easily buy bulk chemicals there.

But most pharmacists can order these particular chemicals in bulk for you, especially epsom salts.


Art, I get my Magnesium Sulfate from Walmart near the Pharmacy section. About $2 for a 2L sized jug of it.

Another place I get nutrient and additives from is HomeGrown Hydroponics . Decent prices, and concentrated stuff.


The Bulk Barn sells magnesium sufate under the name of Epsom Salts in bins. Very cheap.


Ottawa Chemists are located downtown at the corner of Slater and O'Connor. They are a bit expensive for lab equipment, but one can find or order almost anything.


hmm I work on the corner of Slater and O'connor.  it's probably across the street. I'll go over at lunch and check it out.