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Melting plants... help!

Started by PNA, September 02, 2005, 08:51:49 PM

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Some of my plants seem to be melting. They've been doing fine for a while but now the leaves on some (dwarf sag, & amazon sword) are turning 'see-through' and melting away. The sword also has holes in its leaves. I even noticed one java fern I have is starting melt as well. I'm worried I'll lose all plants in the tank.

I'm guessing that it's a fertilizer issue. I've recently started DIY CO2 on the tank. Could it be that the ferts can't keep up to the CO2 & light?

Any help on what I should do? Root tabs? Liquid fert? Or just stick to plenty of water changes?



Holes in old leaves is a sign of potasiium deffeciency.

Get some root tabs under the affected plants, or start a regiment of liquid ferts.  Root tabs would be the preferred method, as swords and sag are both heavy root feeders.


I'm getting holes in new leaves!
And the whole java fern plant is 'see-through' now.
I'll try the root tabs and another big water change.



Root tabs won't help the java though.  You'll need a liquid fert for that, as java roots are just for attaching itself.