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Bettas and Gouramis

Started by charlie, October 02, 2005, 07:31:12 PM

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Question for the experts, is it advisable to add a betta to community tank with gouramis & rainbows, any advice would be appreciated.


I am not am expert but the gourami would most likely pick at the bettas fins.





Te gold and blue would possibly be a problem. The pearl and the betta might clash, or might get along fine.


The Gold and Blue Gouramies would probably do the Betta harm as they are semi-aggressive fish, so that would put the Betta at risk.

A Pearl Gourami I am not too sure about, they tend to be a little more mellow compared to a Blue or a Gold Gourami, but.... mellow or not you still run the risk of mixing fish from the same genus who might not like eachother.

Also, if you look at how slow moving a betta is, and you look at how fast rainbowfish are, that could put the betta at a SERIOUS disadvantage at feeding time. :?


Thank you all for your advice, this has convince me not to attempt it.


Please don't! I had a psychopathic gourami who ate her way through most of the tank... the betta was the first course!


I've seen it work a number of times.

I've also seen it not work out a number of times.

Depends on what type of gamble you want to take.


Play safe, not sorry, don't mix Bettas with any other fish, including other Bettas.


I gotta say I disagree with that last statement. Bettas can be kept with lots of fish, I have two males in with other fish (in different tanks), one with caudos and apisto jubies, and the other in with endler's and caudo, and netierh one of them ever looks at them twice. They can be quite good community fish, its just about choosing the right community.


Just by coincidence I have gourami's (gold and pearl)rainbows (the dwarf kind) and a betta.  Everyone is getting along just fine but this may just be luck and not the rule


Quote from: "mseguin"I gotta say I disagree with that last statement. Bettas can be kept with lots of fish, I have two males in with other fish (in different tanks), one with caudos and apisto jubies, and the other in with endler's and caudo, and netierh one of them ever looks at them twice. They can be quite good community fish, its just about choosing the right community.

I agree....I have betta fish in all my community tanks and they live fine.   I thought that my Sailfin Mollies would be a problem because my seem to get overly excited at times..but all is well.   I have one in all tanks down to a 5.5 gal with guppies and tetras.


Quote from: "UCGrafix"Play safe, not sorry, don't mix Bettas with any other fish, including other Bettas.
Quote from: "mseguin"I gotta say I disagree with that last statement
I am not saying it can't be done, becasue some of you have done it, but it's something very touchy to get into IMHO.
Saying " Play safe, not sorry ", is my way of saying be warned, and you will experiemnt at your own, or showld I say, the fish own risks.

My 2 cents
