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Super Pet Specials of the Month.

Started by Mettle, September 09, 2005, 10:29:53 PM

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Just a heads up.

This is the weekend of the $50 'Door Crasher' special on the 10 gallon Hagen Econo kits with the compact fluorescent lighting. Well, a few cents less than that. But nevertheless a great deal for a complete kit.

Call ahead to the store you plan on going to. I know Barrhaven only has one left. And no, I don't know all the store phone numbers. Barrhaven is 843-9977.


Heads up.

SP Barrhaven is having a bunch of 'instore specials' on various fish in order to clean out some tanks. There's a little bit of everything - livebearers, Africans, tetras, the big guys, etc. I don't remember off the top of my head what all the prices are, but if you're in Barrhaven it might be worth stopping in to check it all out.


i was in today there are some good deals.....but no giant danios (what i was looking for)

O well i can wait :)


Giant danios haven't been available to us for a while now, Jim. Sorry about that. I've been pushing to get them in and we will when we can. I think they're a great fish for a variety of different types of medium to large set-ups.



Last weekend of the Super Pet flyer.

Big seller has been MALE BETTAS for $1.88. Us at the Barrhaven location just received a shipment of about a hundred today - including some showing crowntail traits, not just your regular veils. Definitely gorgeous fish mixed in there.


I just went in to get a betta for my son and some neon tetras... notice a tank of discus 50% off (this is at the Merivale store).


Jim, we have giant Dinglia Danios at SP kanata, don't remember the price offhand, but they're on "Manager Special".  

Also, Just letting everyone know:  the Kanata store is re-merchandising the fish section.  The fish aisles are going to be relocated to the side wall where the dog leashes were.  This will give us lots of new space for the new Hagen products coming out.  As a result, however, all of the dry fish products are boxed up this week in order to do the swap.  I promise you will NOT be able to find what you need at the store until next week!


Quote from: "Mettle"It was requested from someone that the stores post their sales online for people to see. However Super Pet is not that big of an organization (when compared to Big Als, Pet Cetera or Pet Smart) and does not do this... SO... I'll do it here. (If this is not allowed for whatever reason feel free to delete the post.)

It's nice to see postings on SP since we don't get the sales in my part of Ottawa, and that's an intesting posting you put up.....They are all about the same size corporation size....Big Als is no bigger than Superpet.   17 stores in Canada...where Big Als has only 2 more stores with the 1 store in Florida.   Petsmart seems to be the store sweeping across Ontario.....I've seen some new stores recently on travel and work.  Maybe in time, SP will have a webpage like Big Als showing their monthly sales.

Kind of dissappointed with the NEW Petcetera on St.Laurant over the weekend.......I went to the grand opening and they had over crowded fish tanks...(because of an over shipment)   The tanks are too small!    They would of rather let the fish die instead of selling the fish at a competitive sale price to reduce their stock.  They probably had just as much die off as sales.   People were complaining about small plastic stones floating around knocking the fish around....  :(    I don't understand how a pet store can open a fish department, and preach to customers with their knowledge....but yet, keep tons of fish in tiny tanks.