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Started by jgolden, October 03, 2005, 04:16:57 PM

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Never had one, nor has anyone else I've known prior to OVAS. Was thinking about getting 2-3 for some algae control in the community tank. Started reading about them, and saw conflicting info regarding whether you can stick them in a community tank or not. I was thinking of getting small ones (~1"), so they'll grow in the community. Technically, the most aggressive fish currently in the tank are the 3 clown loaches, but they virtually stay in the caves I built (The smallest one ventures outside the caves in full light for short periods; I've seen the other two out of the caves when the moonlights are on).

:? Any comments? Should SAEs be safe with tetras, swords, guppies, etc? What about American flg fish? (These are my secondary choice for algae control).

Thanks all.



SAE's should be perfectly fine with the mix of fish you have in the 75 gallon! :D

CAE's (Chinese Algae Eaters) are the ones you need to watch out for.


I picked up three juvenile SAEs a few days ago at Big Al's on Innes Road. Together with a bristlenose, they cleaned and polished my whole tank in about 36 hours. It had been covered in hair algae and green fuzz algae, as I'd been doing a fishless cycle for about a month. Two of the SAEs spar with each other a bit, but for all that they are constantly together. The third will school with them now and then, but mostly stays by himself.

There are a fair number of reports on the Internet from people who have had trouble with aggressive SAEs, but I would take them with a grain of a salt, since a number of aggressive fish - particularly the aforementioned CAEs, but also flying foxes - are sold as SAEs. True SAEs shouldn't be a problem.


True. Jeff, you should be okay with 3-4 of the real SAE. Try to get them in the same size. They like to pick on the smaller one in the school. Caution for American Flagfish. It is a hit or miss situation (they can be aggressive or even eat your plants).

75 gal - Mosquito rasbora, Bushynose pleco, RCS
9 gal - CRS
40 gal - Longfin Albino Bushynose pleco, RCS


I have five 3-4" SAE's that share a 120 with eleven Discus and seven Clown Loaches and have never witnessed any aggression.  Great community fish and outstanding cleaners :)


i've 1 SAE in my 75G with some discus and they live fine together. in fact, i got 2 ottos and the SAE always follows them. I guess he feel he is part of them :>


Thanks all. Guess the conflicts I've been hearing about are the ones being called SAEs, but aren't. I'll plan to pick some up tomorrow then.

So, to recap: Stay away from CAEs for the community; American flagfish can be hit and miss for community compatibility; SAEs are community friendly. Gotcha. :wink:

Thanks again
