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suicidal shrimp?

Started by motoman, October 14, 2005, 08:28:23 AM

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Ok I've had this problem three times now. I have two tanks - a 20 gal and a 30 gal. Both are community tanks with rasboras, 1 SAE, 6 neons, a cloud, blue tetras and some cherry barbs and 3 cories. I was keeping some amano shrimp in the 20 gal decided I'd like to get some for the 30 gal. Keep in mind I"m using the same substrate, water etc. so the tank conditions are very similar. I would either take the shrimp out of my 20 gal and put them into the 30 gal or I'd put the new shrimp into the 30 gal. Every time the next day I'd find one of the little guys dried up dead on the floor in the morning. Why are they jumping out? Has this happened to anyone else often? I'm stumped as to why they feel the need to hop out and go for a stroll.


There doesn't really need to be a reason. They often just like to explore. They are probably looking to move to another body of water to look for a more abundant source of food. oesn't mean ur not feeding enough, just that they want to make sure there's as much food as they can need for a long time.


i think mseguin resume everything , this little beuty are explorators :) and like discover unfortunelly.
Well very well cover tank is a must or tank with half water like with killies


I see. I didn't realise they liked to explores so much. I was worried something was wrong. How long can they live out of water?


Pretty much until they dry up - which is rather quickly.

It's amazing what shrimp can take in terms of punishment and water conditions. I've seen them live in betta bowls before. (Ones that were covered, obviously.)