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Super Pet Fish Department Specials (Oct7-Oct30)

Started by Mettle, October 06, 2005, 07:18:31 AM

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I think both sides probably have some valuable points for us to learn from.




I have neighbours who have a pond, with 4 koi about 8" or so.  Last year they just let the ones they had die, as it's the pond they were into and the fish were "just an ornament".

I'm happy to say I have convinced them of the value of the fish's lives and they're letting me set them up with an indoor aquarium setup for the winter for the koi.  Small victories.

I don't blame them for their previous attitude tho.  I know these folks well, and it would appear as if whoever sold them the pond GAVE THEM that attitude...


We've also had a ton of koi and large goldfish drop offs at SP Barrhaven. It's rediculous.

As for wintering fish in a pond outdoors, it can be a bit tricky and expensive. My recommendation is to pick up a kiddy pool at the end of the summer for cheap at somewhere like Walmart, put it in the basement (where it's likely going to be quite cool) and winter the fish down there. I know someone who did this - never fed the fish as it was that cool - and put the fish back into the pond in the summer. Total cost was something like $10 for the kiddy pool on sale and another few bucks for some chicken wire to put on top just to make sure they didn't jump out... He topped up water every week and did a water change once a month with equal temp water.


OH. And I was in this afternoon - although briefly, because I'm incredibly sick and had to leave.

The Amazon Swords (at the Barrhaven location) are actually quite nice. They're not potted and the average one has from 4-6 or so stems/leafs and some have surprisingly nice roots on them. Definitely worth the 99cents.

Matt... I believe the rummies are Hemigrammus bleheri. But I wasn't aware that there was more than one species of rummy nose tetra?


There are 3 species, Hemigrammus bleheri (which I think are the most colourful), H. rhodostomus, and Petitella georgiae. Up until recently I had always seen rhodostomus, but I think the bleheri are gainnig in popularity, perhaps due to better breeding techniques? Thanks for the info.


That kiddy pool idea is perfect...that's exactly what I'll set up for the neighbours.


Large Rubbermaid tubs also work great (a little higher so less chance of fish jumping out).  You can get these on sale at Cdn Tire for ~$5-10 usually.  Depending on where you are keeping them in your house, you  might want to try a little more frequent water changes than once a month, it can get a little, um, *pungent* :)


Quote from: "PaleoFishGirl"Large Rubbermaid tubs also work great (a little higher so less chance of fish jumping out).  You can get these on sale at Cdn Tire for ~$5-10 usually.  Depending on where you are keeping them in your house, you  might want to try a little more frequent water changes than once a month, it can get a little, um, *pungent* :)

The issue with these tubs is sometimes they bow outward, forcing one to create a wooden skeleton of sorts to prevent this. And then there goes the overall cheapness and ease of the project.

As for more frequent water changes... It depends largely one what size the fish are, how many there are and whether or not your feeding them (which is related to the temp they're kept at). Once a month can be more than enough. (Especially if you do a large one.)


Really?  You can feed them once a month?

So, lemme get a full-recipe recommendation from you guys...

I'll set up my neighbours with a kiddy pool / rubbermaid tub for their koi, tell them to put something on top to prevent jumps, no heater, change water say, every three weeks or so, and feed say, at the same time...that's all that'll be necessary to keep them going?


Depending on the temp of the water, if low enough, you don't need to feed them at all for the entire winter.



I can't remember off hand. You'd have to do some independent research.


Goldfish and koi stop eating below (I believe) 60F.  That's a pretty cold basement.


Quote from: "squeeker"Goldfish and koi stop eating below (I believe) 60F.  That's a pretty cold basement.

Yeah. I was thinking 58F, but wasn't sure. And I hate spreading bad info so usually I keep my mouth shut juuust in case. :lol:


Just an FYI.

The Barrhaven location of Super Pet has received two large shipments (today and yesterday) of fish. There's a wide variety that came in. Some variation including different types of cories (peppered, panda, julii), loaches (khuli, pakistani), farowellas, otos, amano shrimp, green shrimp, indo rock gobies, some different types of livebearers (golden mollies, German yellow guppies [very nice actually!]), gorgeous red orandas ('medium' and 'large'), Polypterus senegalus/bichir, Apiso. cacatoides, Borellis, German Rams (some of the nicest I've seen, and they still haven't coloured up fully!), keyholes... and my favourite, some discus that came in for an in-store special we'll be holding. I'm not sure on their exact price (just came in today and tags haven't gone up yet) but they're going to be less than $40, I know that and they're about 3" in size, so not a bad deal. They were shipped as pigeon blood discus but not all are, I don't think. They were stressed when they came in, obviously, but some seem to lack the general markings of a pigeon blood and are staying a powder orange. It'll be interesting to see how they end up after a couple of days in the store.

That's all I remember off the top of my head.