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Sad & Concerned

Started by dan2x38, July 22, 2011, 10:47:43 PM

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Well today marks 2 weeks since Diego's accident. I am happy to report he is doing remarkably better! When he goes for walk he pulls hard on his leash like he use to. He barks as annoying as before. He was unable to jump up on the couch anymore he can on one just barely but he cannot jump up on any of the beds yet. His left leg I am guessing is +80% and his right still weakest maybe it is +60%. He is still on steroids be done in 4 or 5 days. Also still giving him the vitamin B complex for nerve regeneration.

All in all he is a happy dog and we are happy he is still with us. I am so pleased with his recovery and still do not want to think of what could have happened. It is still burned into my memory the look on his little face the moments after it happened never want to see that again. Thank God he is still his annoying little self... LOL
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Happy to hear the little fella is doing so well!
700 gal pond - Rosy reds




I had missed this thread orginally as I was on holidays. Glad to hear that he is recovering and going well. It's amazing how much a part of the family these guys become. We lost our mini-dachshund one year ago this month but our little Yorkie is still going strong (she's 13yrs old now).

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell


Glad to read a very happy outcome
For a very well cared member of your
Family. Guess now he is being himself
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


Both Todd & I are thrilled to see that he's recovering well! :D

I hope that he will get back to his old self in no time.

if he's unable to jump anymore, is there a way for you to build stairs for him (or use a foot stool?) to help him get up on the couch or into bed with you guys?



Perhaps some solid training might prevent this from re-occurring?  Since jumping caused it, are you going to discourage him from jumping up any more?  What about teaching him not to pull on the leash.  The pressure from the pulling can't be good for the healing process.  If dog muscles and joints are anything like human's, once seriously injured, there's a good chance it'll happen again if the same activity is resumed.  It would be really unfortunate for everyone involved if it happened again!

Is it common for people to allow their dogs to sleep on the bed and on the couch, etc?  Growing up, I always had large dogs so I have no experience with a small one in my house. Our dogs were never allowed to be on any furniture but they had a bed on the floor made from an old couch cushion.  

All the dog training shows I've seen also advocate dogs staying off furniture, so I thought I would most of you let your dog on the bed and the couch?


I know for me & my friedns growing up that had dogs (& cats) that they had thier animals sleep with them.

I remember many a time when I was invited to sleepovers I woudl have some type of animal curled up next to me by my face. :-*

Our two cats (Athena  & Crimson) sleep on our beds from time to time. Crimson curls up by our feet, & Athena like to be curled up by my face.


Quote from: Thunda on August 06, 2011, 10:50:09 PM
Both Todd & I are thrilled to see that he's recovering well! :D

I hope that he will get back to his old self in no time.

if he's unable to jump anymore, is there a way for you to build stairs for him (or use a foot stool?) to help him get up on the couch or into bed with you guys?


LOL I was just talking about this to my wife. I suggested us getting a little step stool one of those plastic ones with the rubber on the legs so it doesn't slip. It is so funny how we baby these family members.

We never had a issue with him jumping it was him and we had carpet before we moved so he all kinds of traction. Who would have ever thought he would would get paralyzed be an active dog. Many little dogs are hyper active it is part of their personality.

As for on the furniture and bed that is part of having pets they want to be with you. I do not believe in pushing them off - we aren't the plastic on the lamp shade types... LOL To me not letting any of our pets sleep with us or not up on the couch is like making our son sit and sleep on the floor... hey that would keep the coach cleaner and last longer... ;) nah his Mom won't let me... LOL

Bottom line he is doing well and being very well cared for. We are not going to let him jump anymore if he ever gets back to that form. He is very tentative doing certain you can tell he is afraid and remembers. He can get up on the couch he will jump up but he comes to my feet gives me a pathetic mopey look and cave reach down to pick him up - bugger. When I am outside I look in the window he is standing up on the back of the coach looking out the window at me... he just wants the babying - dogs are very smart and this one is to smart for his own good.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


My dogs used to sleep (or start sleeping) with us in our bed.  They used to lay on the couch and snuggle with us while we watched tv as well.  But that all stopped when we got tired of the dogs hogging the bed at night.  They are no longer allowed on the couch because they shed a lot in the spring - and my lab farts JUST enough to make us not want him right beside us for any length of time.

(also, when we have company over, it was a pain to keep the dogs from climbing all over who ever was unlucky enough to sit on one of the dogs' spots)

Now they have cushy beds in every room that we might be in for more than 10 minutes, and they're happy with that.

I've seen lots of step-stools for dogs to help them up on to *whatever*.. And even cushioned ramps.


Geeze we baby these freakin' pets of ours... LOL This character is like a little baby some times.

When we picked this breed it was b/c they have no predisposed issues, great personalities and temperament and they have hair not fur so they do not shed.

One more thing I went to Mtrl yesterday for another delivery. Had to shipments to pick up one was late clearing customs so I didn't leave there until after 10:45pm. Well didn't get home until well after 1am my son fell asleep in bed with his Mom so I just crashed in his room. Well Diego heard me came in the room then low and behold he jumped up on the bed - this is a higher bed then even ours. There was a bed made for him on the floor maybe this gave him confidence he wouldn't slip on the hardwood so he jumped. Maybe he is remembering slipping or something when he injured himself and it is just like getting back on the horse type of deal? He could just be afraid.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."