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WIFI in a Blue Ray?

Started by Fishnut, October 16, 2011, 10:14:59 AM

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We just cashed in a bunch of Airmiles last night and got a 3D Blue Ray player that has wifi.  Why does it have wifi...and should I get the adapter that's sold separately?


-Automatic Updates to support more codecs.
-Connect it to a media player on your PC and serve all that legal and illegal content to your TV
- Netflix

What more can you ask for? :)
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


WIFI in a blu-ray player is the best!!  You can also check out the extra features on you disk with BD-live.

auto updates are key


Wow!!  I can't wait to get it!

Now to save up enough miles for the 3D TV :)


Quote from: JetJumper on October 16, 2011, 11:08:16 AM
What more can you ask for? :)

Two words:  Boxee Box.


This gadget has changed my TV life forever.

Hands down the best media player you can get you hands on.  It plays *everything*, has a suuuuper slick interface, sexy remote control, WIFI & Wired network, lots of apps (youtube, netflix, grooveshark, etc), RSS streams, automatically fetches media info (titles, authors, cover art & synposis), I could go on an on.  It is pure awesomesauce I tellz yous !!

Plus, how can you resist an enclosure that's so good looking ?



I looked at one of those once, but I skipped out and went with a PS3.  Plays games, streams my media that is setup to auto download once its release on a private tracker I am on..  Oh and has a bluray player! :D
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Netflix through a Blu-Ray player is a must have if you have kids.  Virtually any kids show that is on Treehouse is on there -- including 30 years of Sesame Street.

There's also a lot of great B movies on there.  The best of which - ThanksKilling!!! About a "foul mouthed turkey intent on killing students who are home from school for Thanksgiving."  GET STUFFED!!!!  :)  I just watched Rubber on there last week.. I thought the trailer I saw for it was a joke, so I had to watch the movie... Yes, it's about a killer tire....  A tire... that's right... a tire.

Some actual new releases got on there accidentally(?) a couple weeks ago too.

And ya, you can't beat the internet connection for keeping your player's software up to date.  Any time there's an advancement in Blu-Ray technology, there's a chance that the new disk won't play in your player until the software is updated.  Of course, I've never run into that problem... It's a warning at the start of most movies I watch. :)


I went with a MAC Mini as my HTPC.  but I'm die-hard iTunes.  If you've tried iTUNES you know the challanges that PLAUGE me... argh.. but the itunes interface for mixing my music with my movies and TV is excellent... all in one setup... but when you get NON-iTUNES content involved it becomes a bit of a butchery...


hahaha I saw a trailer for Rubber!! it was with a bunch of other crazy trailers, which i promptly ran out and bought one of the movies LOL (which ended up being really good!)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts