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Nuclear Power Plants in Irenes Path!

Started by dan2x38, August 27, 2011, 05:34:04 PM

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There are 20 reactors in US in Irene's path. I know of one in Canada near St. John N.B. the Pt. Lepreau which is right on the Eastern Sea board I wonder if it is in jeopardy? After Japan's nuclear plant meltdown this could be serious. We need to do better jobs designing this stuff from the get go.

Was watching on CNN and FEMA has been in action and preparation for days. Obama was in the nerve centre insuring things were attended too and another Katrina wasn't brewing. New York is basically stuck down right now and in serious danger. Just hope/pray the prep is over kill for nothing.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Yeah that's kind of freaky! Thankfully the winds have drastically dropped, and the danger will primarily be from floods. That can't be good either, but it could be a lot worse!!


Yeah looks like winds are lower but the water raising into those reactors cooling tanks can cause havoc and possible radian leaks!

St. John area will get hit it is in the direct path. I did read though that in Apr. this year Pt. Lepreau got an upgrade to make it safer-  that is good news.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Very good news, keep us posted if you hear anything Dan :)


Am I the only one who is getting sick of the sensationalism of everything lately?  If it is not snow-mageddon, it is hurrican-mageddon, or wind-mageddon, or car-armageddon...

This stuff has been happening for decades...


Ross, just wait for the buildup to 2012, people will start going crazy, ugh. Like Dan mentioned, Obama was all over this, and the unfortunate part about the sensationalism of all these events is that a ton of unnecessary extra $$$ is being spent I'm sure. Because of screw-ups like the Bush-Katrina fiasco, sensationalism is at it's peak, and exagerrations are abound. What do you think Dan?


Quote from: RossW on August 28, 2011, 06:41:35 PM
Am I the only one who is getting sick of the sensationalism of everything lately?  If it is not snow-mageddon, it is hurrican-mageddon, or wind-mageddon, or car-armageddon...

This stuff has been happening for decades...

Yep me too. Get on with it people.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


35 21 ppl dead so far (corrected)
4.5 million without power in U.S alone
Vermont under water a disaster area economy crushed
New Jersey sea walls breached and gone
AND the rain is still coming down with high winds
PLUS this is just the reports of American damages wait for ours... :(

What if one of those nuclear plants melted down? We would in the path of the fall out I'd want to know that is for sure. We get a little storm here and there with high winds for a summer but there are regions that get hit every season with this stuff. Some ppl can live else where it is there choice to enjoy the shoreline and invest in high priced property but there are entire regions and countries that have no choice where they live so they are at the mercy of mother nature always.

What do I think yes there is sensationalism and exploitation by press and other media but we do not have to look, listen or pay any attention if we are no longer are empathic to certain pleats of others or concerned with current events. Wait until we near 9/11 10th anniversary you want to talk over exposure. Today's day and age we receive everything real time this can be overwhelming and even make us jaded to these castastrophies. It would be nice to hear more of cats being rescued from trees and World peace but one doesn't sell newspapers (as they say) the other is unlikely...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


wouldn't it be a good thing if it happened though???? everyone is complaining about the world being overpopulated anyways :P

I do think there is too much drama into this...hurricanes have happened for a LONG time and will continue to happen unless we sprinkle too much stardust in the clouds (maybe?) :P soooo I wouldn't worry too much!!

55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Quote from: dan2x38 on August 28, 2011, 10:05:34 PM
35 21 ppl dead so far (corrected)
4.5 million without power in U.S alone
Vermont under water a disaster area economy crushed
New Jersey sea walls breached and gone
AND the rain is still coming down with high winds
PLUS this is just the reports of American damages wait for ours... :(

4.5 million people in Ethiopia have been requiring food and water from worst drought in 60 years
7 months without rain, over 3 years in some villages
About 2.5 billion $ would get them out of their misery...
while Greece receives a second bailout of $153 billion on top of $154 billion a year ago
What the hell...

I'm sure New Yorkers can manage their little crisis  ;)