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Maybe one or two more fish, but which?

Started by PeterD, December 17, 2011, 04:43:40 PM

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Hey y'all

I'm running a 42g (tall) heavily planted tank.  Current stock:

- 7 neons tetras
- 2 serpae tetras
- 1 blue spotted gourami (full adult size, female)

Everyone is peaceful and I'd like to keep it that way but I wouldn't mind adding just a touch more fish of a different variety.   Any suggestions on something peaceful?   I wanted to avoid live bearers as the last time the fry got out of control, and I have plenty of hiding places so I'm not counting on fry getting eaten in this tank.

Any opinions?  Or maybe I'll just add more Serpaes if I can find any.


You could add to your shoal of serpaes, and perhaps add another shoal of peaceful fish, such as harlequin rasboras or rummynose tetras. 


I think I will add 3 or 4 more Serpaes IF I can find any without driving all over town.   

Do you or anyone else know how friendly Black skirted tetras or Lemon tetras are with tank mates?   I think the colouring of those would will pop out against the orange of the Serpaes and the blue of the Neons.


Lemon tetras are calm, passive little fish.  I think the black skirts are a little more active, similar in temperament to the serpaes.


Thanks!    I ended up grabbing 4 Lemon tetras this morning (their last 4) and will probably bump that to 6 or 7 total when they have more stock.   It's only been a couple hours but so far none of the others seem to care that they're there and the lemons have been mingling with the two Serpaes on and off, peacefully.

I'm still unsure on adding more Serpaes though.  I know Tetras prefer 6 or more of their own kind, but these two get along just great with each other, and never bother the others.  What are the risks of upsetting a peaceful balance if I get them up to 6 or more, I wonder.  I'll probably leave things as is unless they get jumpy.

EDIT:  re-reading the thread and laughing at my undecided self, yes I want more Serpaes because they look great, just a tad worried since they are more active than others, my mind changes often on getting more or not.


Well, I know what you mean.  I have a school of 6 rosy barbs.  It is always recommended that you keep them in groups of at least six.  I had one male rosy barb that just kept harrassing all of the others.  He was relentless in his chasing and was driving one other fish (another male) all over the tank, almost to the point of exhaustion.  After a while, I couldn't stand watching it!  He is now living with some goldfish.  I don't want to add any more rosy barbs, because the others all get along.

Lemon tetras are nice little fish and very peaceful.  I find that a lot of the smaller tetras will shoal together. 

I just bought 4 yellow phantom tetras today.  The store only had 4  :)

I am going to put them with my little shoal of black phantom tetras.  Apparently, they will shoal together.  I currently have them in quarantine, so I don't know if they actually will or not.


Tetras look good in groups/schools of 20-30+.
A pair of dwarf cichlids brings life into any community tank.
Some bottom dwellers like corydoras, or maybe loaches are awesome.

Don't add more gouramis, they can get big and feisty. Maybe a proven pair of angles if you like t some bigger fish.

Lots of interesting fish out there, read up on it and get what you like. Good luck!
be aware of the green side


I second the idea of corydora, they are extrememly entertaining fish.
Oh and dont forget to quarrantine :).
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


I hear loaches take care of small snails pretty well?  I could use their help.