Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

20G - Apistogramma cacatuoides

Started by bizfromqc, January 13, 2012, 11:00:55 AM

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Little update.

Fry is still doing well, mainly feeding on frozen BBS. Still hard to estimate the number since there's too many, in too different spots and they're too quick LOL

Female apisto is still pretty territorial and chases away the otocinclus coming near her or the main hang out spot of the fry (even though they pretty much go all over the tank now)

Link has been posted in my BAP thread but for those not following it there, here's the link to the YT video (week 3)


Sweet!!! ;D  I love it.  Uncle Dan is very proud...


Giant auction (March 4th) marked the 1 month anniversary of the A. cacatuoides fry in my tank. Everyone is doing well and eating like pigs  ;) Some pictures for your enjoyment are attached to this post.

YouTube video:



Juvies are now clocking in at 6+ weeks and still growing.

Switched from BBS to the 0.5mm NLS sinking pellets as the staple food as they are now big enough (most of them, the smaller ones get the leftovers) for the pellets and went from feeding twice a day to once a day. I think they're old/sturdy enough now for the change and it's a lot less work for me  ;)

I also took a FTS picture to show the plant growth I've been having using the ML DB LED. I dose daily excel and weekly comprehensive and the tank seems to be doing just fine.


Your tank and fry look great.  I am glad to see that the ML DB LED's are working out well for you.


This tank has been torn down. The fry are now in their own ol' 10G with no plants, sponge filter and sand/tiny gravel substrate.

Makes for easier feeding, maintenance and catching the fish  ;)