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unknown fish! with no photo :(

Started by Nerine, October 25, 2005, 02:53:03 PM

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ok here's a good question...what looks exactly like a zamora woodcat, but gets to be about 4 or 5 feet? I was watching what not to wear wanna be..(i'm going to write to them too) and being bored out of my mind almost changed the channel when they were interviewing this girl and behind her was a beautiful tank, VERY cloudy though...and this MASSIVE fish in it! one was bigger than her head (possiblely a pacu) and the others looked exactly like my zamora woodcats but bigger than this pacu looking body with white bellies...maybe a shark?? what other types of catfish can get that big? I already ruled out channel catfish, wrong body type and wrong fins.
any ideas anyone?
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Probably some kind of D shark. Pangasius spp.


Either or in my opinion.

I was thinking ID shark too. But red tailed cat is also a good guess.


nope not a red tail :(

I did some more research on pangasius, and I think it is definatly one of them...maybe not an ID shark, but something in that family!
thanks for the ideas :)
people really shouldn't keep large fish in small tanks, really makes me least now I can say no to people who want to buy a pangasius because their tank is too small.
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Im pretty sure pangasius is another name for ID shark, no?


pangasius covers a large family of catfish :) some reaching only a few feet to the giant pangasius that weighs almost 700 lbs!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts