New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

What the

Started by groan, February 24, 2012, 12:19:05 PM

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So, how's it hanging? Been a while since I've been here!
Still no tanks for me. Well I have 2 tanks, they're just empty, for now...

I see lots of changes around, What's the gossip?! Anything juicy?


welcome back!! you should pop out to a meeting sometime :) even if you have no fish :P there's no rule that says no fish no meeting!!!

hope the family is doing well too! dont think there's any juciy gossip? ok there is ;) but I"ll nevverrr tell! hehe

Art's girlfriend had a baby!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Welcome back!

You neeeed to get fish back in those tanks!


Quote from: Chubs on February 27, 2012, 11:38:47 PM
Welcome back!

You neeeed to get fish back in those tanks!

PPUT WATER IN FIRST!!!  Very important.  I know you've been out of it for a while, so just making sure you don't forget a step...   

;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Nerine on February 27, 2012, 04:13:30 PM

Art's girlfriend had a baby!

Awesome Arts' a daddy! Congrats :)
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


That is so cool the Art is a daddy!


Hey!   We were over at Jenn and Matt's for lunch and they were telling us about this thread.   
Our girl Jessica was born Nov 16 which makes her 4 months already.  OMG she is growing fast
here are some pics!


Hi Art,

Beautiful girl! I also have two girls now, one is 2 years and 2 months and the little one was 5 months on March 17th. She is exactly one month older than yours! Kids are fun! :-)
Kar En
| 120 Gal Miracles Aquarium (starphire glass) Tanganyikan Cichlids |
The Cichlid Empire is built on intelligence, adaptability and a surprising degree of parental care for their young.


Well G'day Art :)
Wow time flies, your daughter is precious.
Enjoy every minute of parenthood because our kids grow up way
too fast.
Rick and I are empty nesters now but we have 2 grandchildren. 

Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Tee hee, I knew you'd post Art.  She sure is cute!
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Kids are fun. They change every day. I miss every "yesterday" as I see mine growing so fast.

....just think how quickly we get older. :-)
Kar En
| 120 Gal Miracles Aquarium (starphire glass) Tanganyikan Cichlids |
The Cichlid Empire is built on intelligence, adaptability and a surprising degree of parental care for their young.


Hey! Here's what's funny, I forgot to come back to this post, I'm glad I did!

When Nerine said artW's girlfriend had a baby, my first reaction was
Who's the father?

I'm especially glad that my thread was where he announced it!
Congrats Art and Girlfriend! Jessica is beautiful!

We just celebrated 19 years of marriage and my son turned 8 at the end of Feb.
That is crazy times going by fast!

Fish aren't in the near future for me. I've been bitten by the photo and RC bug, a bit. Money going into those as I try to build my photo skills back up to when I was shooting pro. Been so long.

Great to see all the familiar faces,