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link to article on algea in the planted tank

Started by charlie, November 01, 2005, 08:09:59 AM

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I just skimmed through but I picked up a few issues with the article:

`If either N or P is limited, in short supply then the algae will be hurting for food`

You plants will be hurting for food long before those teeny tiny little algae are.

`Phosphate levels should be minimized. There is plenty of P in fish food and additions are rarely needed. Watch out for pH buffers, many use phosphate`

Actually, many fish foods are removing it because of the idea that it causes algae.

`Water changes ever two weeks help dilute excess nutrients and maintain a clean environment. To many water changes will not allow the water to stabilize and can be just as bad.`

What stabalization?

`Maintain a fish load, feeding schedule, and water change schedule that will keep the NO3 levels below 25ppm. `

And how will the plants be able to take up no3 if they`re starving for po4?

`Potassium is one of the most overlooked additions. Adding K on a regular basis will increase the plants ability to uptake other nutrients.`

Like I just said about the po4.

`recommend to switch out the light for 2-4 hours during the day, as a sort of afternoon nap. `

I think this has been proven the opposite. If nutrients are balanced, why do we need the siesta?

I don`t get this. we get planted tanks to grow plants. Grow them! We spend more time and effort how NOT to grow algae that we forget about growing the plants. Supply what they need, and forget about algae.


I just read that article, very outdated.

We know know that putting limits on ANY nutrient does not hinder algae.  Having the appropriate balance of ALL nutrients allows plants to thrive, thus making algae a non-issue.

I agree that water changes are good, but simply to keep the nutrients in the water at a specific baseline.  I know that if I do 50% water changes weekly, I shouldn't have more than double the amount of any given nutrient in my water at any point in time.

Potassium is more than available if you are using KNO3 as a nitrogen source, which most people are.

And on the lighting - exactly.... does the sun set for 4 hours in the tropics?  On the contrary... we are providing SUBSTANTIALLY less light than what the plants get in nature... a 12 hour photoperiod is a MUST.