New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Sick Seahorse

Started by cdylnicki, December 18, 2011, 11:25:54 PM

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I noticed one of my horses seems to have an issue & I can't seem to find out exactly what it is or how I should treat.  He seems to be losing "skin" on his spine, near his tail, and on his face.  I know horses are not prone to fungus and so I am thinking bacterial, but don't want to treat based on a guess.

He is eating well, is in a 120 with 2 mandarin dragonets and 3 other seahorses - none of the others are showing any symptoms.  The system was seeded from my other 90 gallon which has been running for over 2 years.

I have attached photos for reference, but any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



I would check out They may be able to it the snout that's peeling?  Snout rot?


I joined their forum, but there is an approval process before I can post...

*sigh* I hope I can treat this in time


Update?  I hope that all is well.
120G Reef


Nope, lost her that night and found one dead in the tank the same day.

The other 2 are happy & healthy and eat like a horse!  The two Dragonetes are continuing to do well!


how are the other two doing now?


Amazing!  Thank you for asking.

Happy as always and getting along with the dragonets.


wow what size is your tank?
I have tried to keep a pair several times with no luck. They live for about 3 months and get sick and gone. We can't get the meds for them here in canada unless you have great contacts.


Quote from: cdylnicki on January 23, 2012, 02:59:13 PM
Amazing!  Thank you for asking.

Happy as always and getting along with the dragonets.

They are beautiful!
I share two angel fish tanks - both of which my hubby takes care of! What's not to like?