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Local Shrimp Sources, etc.

Started by Funkmotor, November 29, 2012, 10:45:42 AM

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So my tank is cycled (if you can call it that...there's so many plants I never really saw a cycle but I'm reading a little nitrate and all else looks good), and I'd like to begin my stocking with a small number of shrimp.  I've had ghost shrimp in the past and they were fun to watch, but the variety available these days is a whole lot more colourful - and also more confusing.

I do very much like the Crystal Red Shrimp because of their bright colour and candy-cane-like appearance - but I've read a lot of stuff about CRS being super-delicate and that they should only be housed by themselves and so forth - so maybe Cherry shrimp would do better, or something else?

I'm also after a few Amano shrimp, both to have a bit of diversity and as they're supposed to be superlative cleaners even if they aren't the prettiest.

Of course, the tank will also be home (at some point) to a decent shoal of some nano-scale fish, either Celestial Pearls or Danio erythromicron - neither of which should pose any threat to the shrimp.

I've seen some CRS and Cherries here and there locally, but I haven't seen any Amano's - any advice on the best place (or time) to get some, or whether some places are better than others?



Most shrimps on your list (CRS, RCS specifically) can be obtained from other hobbyists if not at the store. They breed readily if the set-up is right - this is especially the case for RCS.  As for Amanos, the breeding is a little more challenging and hands-on and the yield rate is nil to low so chances are you'd have to stop by a local store. I got all of mine at Big Al's. They have them in every now and then - perhaps call in advance to check?
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


I'd post an ad in the looking for section for the CRS, or RCS, the supply within the club seems to have slowed down, but there are still quite a few people with them.  BA's usually has Amano's, I'm pretty sure I saw some nice sized ones at the one in Kanata a couple of days ago...

I agree with daworldisblack, RCS breed like crazy so if you went with them you'd have a good sized colony in no time, just add water to them and they multiply!
I haz reef tanks.


Well, looks like I'm heading out to Kanata tonight!  (Maybe a quick call first.)  And I'll post an ad for CRS as well.

As for the breeding, I know what you mean.  When I took down my last fresh tank there were easily thousands of ghost shrimp in it.  It was amazing to me how many there were - and every different size you could think of - even in a tank with rainbows and loaches that just love to snack on them.

It's unfortunate that the Amano's need a brackish phase, though, as you can't have a self-sustaining population in a fresh tank.


critter jungle usually has some amano's kicking around


Id stay away from crs if you plan on having micro fish soon enough. I had Micro Rasboras in my CRS and well they make an expensive snack for the fish. I have some rili shrimp I can help you out with. for a variant of a cherry shrimp they are truly one of my favourites.