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Inline heaters

Started by valiko, November 14, 2005, 05:03:48 PM

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What are the pros/cons of using one?

Anybody using them?


I really wanted wanted one, I still do, but that brings me to offer my con. Over double the cost of a high end submersable.


yeah. they are 2 times more than an internal.
And for some reason they only sell Hydor @ BigAls.


You can build your own inline if you're so inclined, you can build your own.  You can build a PVC pipe design that holds your heater so the water coming from a canister flows over it.  A little work, but doable.


Can someone explain the whole inline heater to me ? Ive seen them for sale but have never seen one in use.

thank you


You connect the filter in-line on the output from the canister filter. The biggest advantage I see, is that heater is outside of the aquarium. Easier on the eyes, and easier aquascaping :)

Here is the page on the manufacturers site, they've got a nice picture


I have an inline heater I bought at Big Als.  It works great.  The reason I got it is to get the heater out of the aquarium so the turtle I have in the tank can't get at it.


Quote from: "Marc"I have an inline heater I bought at Big Als.  It works great.  The reason I got it is to get the heater out of the aquarium so the turtle I have in the tank can't get at it.

That's a good idea and gives me something to think about for when my lil' guy gets a bit bigger.


valiko;  will that heater fit on a rena xp3 ? That is a great idea;  it says "Connectors suitable for any flexible pipe of all external filters.   "    I can always ask the good sales people at big als.

I really like that idea; my oscar slams into my heater constantly that I have to hide it behind an ornament now or put it at the very top of the tank to keep it out of his warparth


one of the main reason i use INline heter is the fact i have 50+ tanks.
and i use RO to make my water change.
i use two type of Heater .

the first one on the Big container where i stock my water, this heater do the biggest job to bring the water to 20 to 23 degrees.
(i dont use hot water on my RO and i highly recommend not use it :) :))

the second is the inline who bring the water to the temp my tank are.

i see your question coming :) :)
Why dont make the first one heat the water to tank temperature ? :) :) (is it this question ? )
answer : because i get less degradation of the water and what i have in it at temp lower.

hope that's help


I am still looking for heaters myself Valiko and found this product raiting page helpfull.


Quote from: "Aiglos"valiko;  will that heater fit on a rena xp3 ? That is a great idea;  it says "Connectors suitable for any flexible pipe of all external filters.   "    I can always ask the good sales people at big als.

I really like that idea; my oscar slams into my heater constantly that I have to hide it behind an ornament now or put it at the very top of the tank to keep it out of his warparth

They have both models for 1/2" tubing and 5/8" tubing.
I believe then one for 1/2 tubing ends in 1 ... ie ETH 201 is for 1/2 and ETH 200 is for 5/8. Or vice versa :)

Having 2 Filstars on my aquairums, I do not know their size :)


I was going to buy the hydor one online but I always forget about the ovas 15% discount at big als (kanata/innes)  So I will wait and talk to one of the salepeoples there;

im sure they will know; or atleast take it out of the box and see.  I really want one now !


I have the 300W Hydor and really like it, as it removes an ugly piece of equipment from inside my show tank, and plants cannot touch it.  It is also very precise.  One thing worth mentioning is that even though instructions mention to put it on the filter outlet, you can install it at the inlet (as per Hydor's email reply).  So if your filter uses two different tube sizes for inlet/outlet, you can put it where it fits.  One drawback: on/off clicking noise is louder than regular heaters, and it does cycle very often (but as a result, water temperature is very constant).