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Pond snails.

Started by Lithops, April 09, 2013, 06:29:04 PM

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I'm starting to have some ponds snails in my planted tank. I though about getting assassin snails, but I have other type of snails that I would love to keep. I have small shrimps too. I read that it's not a problem with assassin snails ( I'M sure they can out run the snails !), I'm worry a bit more for when shrimp change their skin. I was wondering to if I have other good opion to control ponds snails in a planted tanks with small shrimps, small fishs and other type of snails ?



What other snails do you have?? Assasin snails wont touch anthing bigger than them.


 I have small zebra thorn snails and malayan snails ( Witch I don't worry to much because they can reproduice very fast !). So I'm trying to find a other option ... I'm thinking that I may have to move my snails to a new home. Most important, it's as to be safe for my small shrimps.


 A single Betta could do the trick...mine does. He eats freshly hatched pond snails and keeps the population in check. Remove all the snails you don't want - then dump in a Betta and you might be done. I have 3 pond snails who constantly lay eggs  and only feed my Betta every 3 days - most of the times he ignores my feedings as he prefers the live food. It's cool to watch him pick off the hatchlings from plants. Most of the time he will pick off the eggs directly. He leaves my shrimps alone but this might just be his temperament or the simplicity of eating the snail eggs/hatchlings.


Interesting thanks for sharing.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Assassins are NOT a threat to shrimp.young, old, molted, whatever.perfectly perfectly safe:-)


If you are having a problem with to many just squish them against the glass, the fish and shrimp will love you for it.  If that is to gross to do just catch them in the net and then crush them in the net then empty into the tank.  Assassin snails will go after snails larger then them, it might take a couple to take down a larger snail but they will do it.  I had mystery snails, ramshorn, MTS, great pond snails and none are safe.  I have over 100 assassin snails in my 75 gallon.  I also have a large amount of MTS's to keep them feed.  I also have 40 bee shrimp and 20 ghost shrimp in the tank as well.  They follow the assassins around and feed off the end trails of the kill.  So shrimp are fine with assassins but if you have some snails you want to keep, Do not get them.


Interesting read for compatibility of assassin snails with shrimp...
125g, 32g, 7g


I do have a betta in my 65 gallons, never gave me problem with other fish or shrimp, but it's may explain why he is always swing around my plant and don't come to eat the food I give. I may add one in my 6 gallons... a big snack is waiting for him there !

As for assassin snails, I read different comment about if they eat or not shrimps. That why I'm so confuse...

I do crush the pond snails and leave there body there, because I noticed that the fish like them...I will keep doing that.

Thanks all for the nice info :)


assassins eat shrimps, yes. but only weak ones or dead. they can never catch a healthy shrimp.