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DRAS Aquariama April 7 th

Started by charlie, March 25, 2013, 12:14:35 PM

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DRAS Aquariama
April 7, 2013
AJAX Community Centre
75 Centennial Road
Ajax, Ontario
 Popular Buck a Bag
"No Reserve" Auction for Fish, Plants and NEW Dry Goods
 Vendors Expo
 Conservation Section
Auction Sellers Doors open 8:30am to 9:30am
Vendor EXPO 9:00am to 4:00pm
Auction starts 10:00am
There is an entrance fee of $2 per person
Children under the age of 10 are free


The question is - how much cars in the convoy ;D


I haz reef tanks.


I`ll break it gently this week, since i`m already gone all day on the 6 th  :)
but chance are i`ll be going  :D


Unfortunately I will not be able to make it, I will be in the Florida Keys, too bad ... eh ?

Cichlids: With great challenges come great rewards


I'm down to go. We can coordinate a road trip.
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


Here's the link to their auction site
open the PDF

It's April 7th Sunday.  So most likely we will see most of you guy there.
It's only fish and plants ,good selection of fish.
Lot's of vendors.
I should be there if everything go as plan.
Always have a good time and buy buy buy....



ohhhh, dry that the dry fertz that I am looking for?

I'm also in need of some canister filters, etc

James is only coming back on the 2nd and he'll probably be too tired to go but will ask.
If I can't go can I give my (small) shopping list to someone and I'll pay them back upon their return?
I'll go and pick up the stuff if need be.

I'll confirm later next week if I'm able to go or not.


Whos driving down to Ajax for the event?
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


so who is confirmed to go to DRAS on Sunday?


I'm down to go but I don't want to drive.
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


I`m happy to report a group of 6 found their way to support another CAOAC club & thanks to our fishy friends from DRAS who made us feel right at home, it was a pleasure to see the folks that we have met@ various events & catch up on different aspects of this great hobby.
The OVAS club was happy to donate a CAD lights 4 gallon nano tank to DRAS which netted them some 80.00 plus $$$,
I can you folks at home that due to the hard work & dedication of those that made OVAS Aqumania  the success it was, the word is now out there & our fellow hobbyist from DRAS was full of congratulations & desire to attend Aqumania 2014 which will be OVAS 60 TH Anniversary, so we have some work ahead.
Special Thanks to CAD lights who worked with OVAS to make the donation possible.
Regards Errol


It was quite a tiring trip, but fun nevertheless. It's always great to catch up with fellow hobbyists from other clubs and pick up a thing or two that you don't fin in the Ottawa area. With all the auctions lately my tanks are filling up with the most wonderful Killies. I better start figuring out how to keep them successfully. :)
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


Good to hear it was a great trip! What did you guys snag at the event?! pics?! I remember going last year and it was my first ever auction - it was amazing!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


It was fun and tiring. I also did pick up some rarely seen fish in the Ottawa area. :)
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


I did pickup some nice swordtails this time that I couldn't find here. I was a little tried from getting up
for the 4 hour drive, but it was a nice day for driving. Could have picked up a lot of great deals, but
held back.  Now Montreal to get ready for.



Quote from: daworldisblack on April 08, 2013, 11:44:17 AM
Good to hear it was a great trip! What did you guys snag at the event?! pics?! I remember going last year and it was my first ever auction - it was amazing!
The last pic although blurry, highlights something that stood out to me, any guesses to what it is?
let me hear you


It's the kids that are helping out. I notice a bunch of them
were runners and did this from the beginning to the end of the
auction. Talk about support in the younger generation.
  We did take note on their recording sheets on the little clip board.



Quote from: limed on April 08, 2013, 04:09:20 PM
It's the kids that are helping out. I notice a bunch of them
were runners and did this from the beginning to the end of the
auction. Talk about support in the younger generation.
  We did take note on their recording sheets on the little clip board.

Bingo! one other thing we need to address
Good eye Ed.
PS why must you win everything , even bragging rights  ;D :P