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A photo request

Started by rockgarden, July 30, 2013, 05:02:39 AM

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I, plus probably a significant number of others, have been contacted to request if we happen to have photos of any of the following species of fish.

Black mangrove cichlid - Tilapia mariae
Redbelly tilapia- Tilapia zillii
Blue acara - Andinoacara pulcher
Three spot cichlid - Cichlasoma trimaculatum
Victoria Burtons Haplochromis - Haplochromis burtoni

I know that I have never housed any of them in my aquariums but I'm checking through my collection of public aquarium shots just in case I might have one. I'm posting here on OVAS just in case someone else might be able to help out.   If you happen to have one of these requested species in an aquarium in the Ottawa area, I'll be happy to come by with my camera at a convenient time to get a photo.


Here is the text of the message that I have received:


The Australian Invasive Animals CRC is developing a Pest Fish phone app for the Australian public. This app is a free educational tool that provides information to the public on what fish species are considered invasive or a potential risk of becoming feral in Australian waterways.

I have been contacting photographers on Flickr asking permission to use their wonderful fish photo for the purpose of fish ID on this app – to which most are only too happy to be involved.

Given I have very little knowledge of the appearance of cichlid species; I was wondering if you could provide some assistance. I see that there are many photos of cichlids on Flickr but most of them are not coupled with their scientific name.

Do you personally have photos that could be used in this project for the following species or do you know of any that I could use or potentially ask permission for?

Black mangrove cichlid - Tilapia mariae
Redbelly tilapia- Tilapia zillii
Blue acara - Andinoacara pulcher
Three spot cichlid - Cichlasoma trimaculatum
Victoria Burtons Haplochromis - Haplochromis burtoni

Your full name will appear clearly, straight under the photo/s you supply, as recognition of your contribution.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
Bec Crawford