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New Filter

Started by CdnRednek, November 18, 2005, 10:41:36 PM

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We bought a Fluval 404 this week for our 40G and we just love it! :D  My living room doesn't sound like Niagara Falls!  :lol:   We just got it up and running this morning and already we can see how much clearer the water is.  It's amazing.  Eventually I'd love to have Fluvals in all our tanks.  Just had to share that with everyone.   :D


I love my Fluval404s. People rant and rave about Eheims - but honestly for the cost difference? You can keep your Eheims. Plus I like the ease of use of Fluvals. People's main complaints are Fluvals are not as sturdy and the parts break more frequently... I've yet to have a problem.

There is also a new Fluval out there. The new Fluval Fx5 that is rated to filter tanks up to 400 gallons. It's a beauty that has a flushing mechanism for self cleaning so you're only ever opening it up to change out media, you can do water changes through the filter, it's auto-priming, and a bunch of other things. Looks fantastic. I want one but... don't have a tank that would require something like that and don't have the cash!

People also complain about Fluvals being noisier than Eheims. I don't know what issues people are having with their Fluvals but I've never heard mine.


I have to agree with you Mettle.  I love my two Fluvals and once I get the go ahead for tank #3 it will have a Fluval as well.

I saw the Fx5 at the store last week.  Yikes, that thing is a monster!
1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><  


I LOVE that FX5!!!  I could hook it up to all my tanks simultaneously!!!  :)

Lots of fluvals here issues.


I have a couple of fluvals also, and they do work very well and yes they're quiet.  :D



Congrats on the first canister filter; I love canisters, I am never going back to hang on backs as my primary filtration.

That fx5 is insane !!! I want it (I cant wait for rena to make a filter like that; Id like to have all the same filters so that parts are interchangable)


I have a couple of Fluvals also I love them and I can't wait for my xmas present (another fluval) so I can change the noisy  one on the 55gl (I've got niagra falls too!!!).  The only part I ever had to change was the valve section.  I bought the filter second hand and I didn't notice the little plastic blue hook thingy was broken but other than that I have had no problems.


I was shopping for a filter recently, and I did not choose Fluval.

There were too many negative comments about them, and main being a lot of by pass.


I got my first canister recently aswell. I opted for the Rena over the Fluval but I feel the same vs hob's. Quiet, less cleaning, better performance and did i mention quiet?


Hmmm... that Fluval sounds a lot like the new Eheim Pro III    :lol:


Well, the price had a lot to do with it.  149.99 at petcetera.  cheaper than the 304.  couldn't pass it up!! Thanks everyone!


I was at Super Pet today and checked out that BEAST of a fluval; it is HUGE !!!!!!!  

Bigdaddy: I cannot justify the cost of an Eheim, no matter how many good things I hear about them, for a very similer product the Fluval is comparable at about 300$ including media.    compared to the 500$ ehiem where you have to spend another 150$ on media.  I just cannot justify it:(  
(source )


I saw the Fluval fx5 today also it is a beast!


...and a small, wee voice was also heard to exoll the virtues of the Filstar XP3 cannister filter. Excellent performance, very quiet, great value for price.


Joined by another small wee voice praising Rena's superior flow rate and overall design :D


Honestly, because I have no idea, what's the lifespan of a Fluval?

I mean, you hear of people having the same Eheim for 20 years... is the same true for Fluvals?

Really, I'm not being critical, I'd just like to know.


I still get quite a few people asking at the store for the old 03 series Fluval media. And they still send it to us as well. So I guess they've got a bit of a lifespan to them.


One reason might be that many people prefer the 03 series fluvals (Including myself...).  They seem to be better designed.  Less stylish and less bells/whistles compared to the 04's but I can't see why the 03's wouldn't last a long time.